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// To Do: // 1. On crash if don't select to restore current session or select tabs, window sessions will be lost. Should label window sessions as such in // windows list and restore said sessions if don't select tabs for that window. Might be tricky. // 2. Add way of combining delete/load/save/etc into existing window prompt and letting user choose to perform functionality without // having the prompt window close. (Session Editor) // 3. Add sub-grouping // 4. Add support for hot keys for saving and restoring // 5. Firefox's tab close confirmation will display when closing the last browser window in Firefox 3.0 and 3.5. This will result in two // in a row for OS X since closing the last window triggers "shutdown". Firefox 3.6 puts up the Quit prompt in this instance, which // Session Manager now prevents from occuring. Might want to "fix" FF 3.0 and 3.5 by checking for DOMWindowClosed in the component. var gSessionManager = { _timer : null, _win_timer : null, _clear_state_timer: null, // Browser Components mObserverService: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService), mPrefRoot: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2), mWindowMediator: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator), mPromptService: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService), mProfileDirectory: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile), mIOService: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService), mSecretDecoderRing: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/security/sdr;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsISecretDecoderRing), mNativeJSON: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/dom/json;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIJSON), mSMHelper: Components.classes["@morac/sessionmanager-helper;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsISessionManangerHelperComponent), mVersionCompare: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xpcom/version-comparator;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIVersionComparator), mComponents: Components, // conditional Browser Components (may or may not exist) mPrivateBrowsing: null, mSessionStore : null, mSessionStartup : null, mApplication: null, mObserving: ["sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", "sessionmanager:updatetitlebar", "sessionmanager:initial-windows-restored", "sessionmanager:close-windowsession", "browser:purge-session-history", "quit-application-requested", "quit-application-granted"], // These won't be removed on last window closed since we still need to watch for them. mObserving2: ["quit-application", "private-browsing-change-granted", "sessionmanager:process-closed-window"], mClosedWindowFile: "sessionmanager.dat", mBackupSessionName: "backup.session", mBackupSessionRegEx: /^backup(-[1-9](\d)*)?\.session$/, mAutoSaveSessionName: "autosave.session", mSessionExt: ".session", mFirstUrl: "http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/documentation.html", mSessionRegExp: /^\[SessionManager v2\]\nname=(.*)\ntimestamp=(\d+)\nautosave=(false|session\/?\d*|window\/?\d*)\tcount=([1-9][0-9]*)\/([1-9][0-9]*)(\tgroup=([^\t|^\n|^\r]+))?(\tscreensize=(\d+)x(\d+))?/m, mClosingWindowState: null, mCleanBrowser: null, mClosedWindowName: null, // Application storage names mSessionCache: "sessionmanager.cache.session.", mClosedWindowsCacheData: "sessionmanager.cache.closedWindows.data", mClosedWindowsCacheTimestamp: "sessionmanager.cache.closedWindows.timestamp", mClosedWindowsCacheLength: "sessionmanager.cache.closedWindows.length", mActiveWindowSessions: "sessionmanager.activeWindowSessions", mAlreadyShutdown: "sessionmanager.alreadyShutdown", mShutdownPromptResults: "sessionmanager.shutdown_prompt_results", // Preferences mSanitizePreference: "privacy.item.extensions-sessionmanager", // Mozilla Branch Version mPlatformVersion: 0, getSessionStoreComponent : function() { // Firefox or SeaMonkey var sessionStore = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1"] || Components.classes["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"]; var sessionStart = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstartup;1"] || Components.classes["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstartup;1"]; if (sessionStore && sessionStart) { this.mSessionStore = sessionStore.getService(Components.interfaces.nsISessionStore); this.mSessionStartup = sessionStart.getService(Components.interfaces.nsISessionStartup); } // Not supported else { window.addEventListener("load", gSessionManager.onLoad_Uninstall, false); return false; } return true; }, initialize: function() { // import logger function into gSessionManager Components.utils.import("resource://sessionmanager/modules/logger.js", this); // Define Constants using closure functions const STARTUP_PROMPT = -11; const STARTUP_LOAD = -12; this.STARTUP_PROMPT = function() { return STARTUP_PROMPT; } this.STARTUP_LOAD = function() { return STARTUP_LOAD; } // Get SessionStore service component if (!this.getSessionStoreComponent()) return false; // Get FUEL (SMILE in SeaMonkey) library if (Components.classes["@mozilla.org/fuel/application;1"]) { this.mApplication = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/fuel/application;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.fuelIApplication); } else if (Components.classes["@mozilla.org/smile/application;1"]) { this.mApplication = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/smile/application;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.smileIApplication); } if (!this.mApplication) return false; // Set Private Browser service variable var privateBrowsing = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1"]; if (privateBrowsing) this.mPrivateBrowsing = privateBrowsing.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); // Determine Mozilla version to see what is supported try { var appInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo); this.mPlatformVersion = appInfo.platformVersion; } catch (e) { dump(e + "\n"); } // If the shutdown on last window closed preference is not set, set it based on the O/S. // Enable for Macs, disable for everything else if (!this.mPrefRoot.prefHasUserValue("extensions.sessionmanager.shutdown_on_last_window_close")) { if (/mac/i.test(navigator.platform)) { this.setPref("extensions.sessionmanager.shutdown_on_last_window_close", true, true); } else { this.setPref("extensions.sessionmanager.shutdown_on_last_window_close", false, true); } } return true; }, /* ........ Listeners / Observers.............. */ onLoad_proxy: function() { this.removeEventListener("load", gSessionManager.onLoad_proxy, false); // The close event fires when the window is either manually closed or when the window.close() function is called. It does not fire on shutdown or when // windows close from loading sessions. The unload event fires any time the window is closed, but fires too late to use SessionStore's setWindowValue. // We need to listen to both of them so that the window session window value can be cleared when the window is closed manually. // The window value is also cleared on a "quit-application-granted", but that doesn't fire when the last browser window is manually closed. window.addEventListener("close", gSessionManager.onClose_proxy, false); window.addEventListener("unload", gSessionManager.onUnload_proxy, false); gSessionManager.onLoad(); }, onLoad: function(aDialog) { this.log("onLoad start, aDialog = " + aDialog, "TRACE"); this.mEOL = this.getEOL(); this.mBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_sessionmanager"); this.mTitle = this._string("sessionManager"); // Fix tooltips for toolbar buttons var buttons = [document.getElementById("sessionmanager-toolbar"), document.getElementById("sessionmanager-undo")]; for (var i=0; i < buttons.length; i++) { if (buttons[i] && buttons[i].boxObject && buttons[i].boxObject.firstChild) buttons[i].boxObject.firstChild.tooltipText = buttons[i].getAttribute("buttontooltiptext"); } // This will force SessionStore to be enabled since Session Manager cannot work without SessionStore being // enabled and presumably anyone installing Session Manager actually wants to use it. // This preference no longer exists as of Firefox 3.5 so don't set it. if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(this.mPlatformVersion,"1.9.1a1pre") < 0) { if (!this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.enabled", true, true)) { this.setPref("browser.sessionstore.enabled", true, true); } } this.mPrefBranch = this.mPrefRoot.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch("extensions.sessionmanager.").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2); // Flag to determine whether or not to use SessionStore Closed Window List (only avaiable in Firefox 3.5 and later) this.mUseSSClosedWindowList = (this.getPref("use_SS_closed_window_list", true)) && (typeof(this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowCount) == "function"); if (typeof(window.SessionManager) == "undefined") // if Tab Mix Plus isn't installed { window.SessionManager = gSessionManager; } if (aDialog || this.mFullyLoaded) { return; } // This will handle any left over processing that results from closing the last browser window, but // not actually exiting the browser and then opening a new browser window. We do this before adding the observer // below because we don't want to run on the opening window, only on the closed window if (this.getBrowserWindows().length == 1) this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(window, "sessionmanager:process-closed-window", null); this.mObserving.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.addObserver(this, aTopic, false); }, this); this.mObserving2.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.addObserver(this, aTopic, false); }, this); this.mPref_append_by_default = this.getPref("append_by_default", false); this.mPref_autosave_session = this.getPref("autosave_session", true); this.mPref_backup_on_restart = this.getPref("backup_on_restart", false); this.mPref_backup_session = this.getPref("backup_session", 1); this.mPref_click_restore_tab = this.getPref("click_restore_tab", true); this.mPref_enable_saving_in_private_browsing_mode = this.getPref("enable_saving_in_private_browsing_mode", false); this.mPref_encrypt_sessions = this.getPref("encrypt_sessions", false); this.mPref_encrypted_only = this.getPref("encrypted_only", false); this.mPref_hide_tools_menu = this.getPref("hide_tools_menu", false); this.mPref_max_backup_keep = this.getPref("max_backup_keep", 0); this.mPref_max_closed_undo = this.getPref("max_closed_undo", 10); this.mPref_max_display = this.getPref("max_display", 20); this.mPref_logging = this.getPref("extensions.sessionmanager.logging", false, true); this.mPref_name_format = this.getPref("name_format", "%40t-%d"); this.mPref_overwrite = this.getPref("overwrite", false); this.mPref_preselect_previous_session = this.getPref("preselect_previous_session", false); this.mPref_reload = this.getPref("reload", false); this.mPref_restore_temporary = this.getPref("restore_temporary", false); this.mPref_resume_session = this.getPref("resume_session", this.mBackupSessionName); this.mPref_save_closed_tabs = this.getPref("save_closed_tabs", 2); this.mPref_save_closed_windows = this.getPref("save_closed_windows", 2); this.mPref_save_cookies = this.getPref("save_cookies", false); this.mPref_save_window_list = this.getPref("save_window_list", false); this.mPref_session_list_order = this.getPref("session_list_order", 1); this.mPref_session_name_in_titlebar = this.getPref("session_name_in_titlebar", 0); this.mPref_shutdown_on_last_window_close = this.getPref("shutdown_on_last_window_close", false); this.mPref_startup = this.getPref("startup",0); this.mPref_submenus = this.getPref("submenus", false); this._temp_restore = this.mApplication.storage.get("sessionmanager.command_line_data", null); // make sure command line data is cleared if (this._temp_restore) this.mApplication.storage.set("sessionmanager.command_line_data", null); // split out name and group this.getAutoSaveValues(this.getPref("_autosave_values", "")); this.mPrefBranch.addObserver("", this, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("TabClose", this.onTabOpenClose, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("TabOpen", this.onTabOpenClose, false) if (this.mPref_reload) { gBrowser.addEventListener("SSTabRestoring", this.onTabRestoring_proxy, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", this.onTabRestored_proxy, false); } // Make sure resume_session is not null. This could happen in 0.6.2. It should no longer occur, but // better safe than sorry. if (!this.mPref_resume_session) { this.setPref("resume_session", this.mBackupSessionName); if (this.mPref_startup == 2) this.setPref("startup",0); } // Hide Session Manager toolbar item if option requested this.showHideToolsMenu(); // Undo close tab if middle click on tab bar - only do this if Tab Clicking Options // or Tab Mix Plus are not installed. this.watchForMiddleMouseClicks(); // Handle restoring sessions do to crash, prompting, pre-chosen session, etc this.recoverSession(); this.updateToolbarButton(); // Tell Session Manager Helper Component that it's okay to restore the browser startup preference if it hasn't done so already this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:restore-startup-preference", null); // Update other browsers toolbars in case this was a restored window if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); } if (!this.isRunning()) { // make sure that the _running storage value is running this.setRunning(true); // If backup file is temporary, then delete it try { if (this.getPref("backup_temporary", true)) { this.setPref("backup_temporary", false) this.delFile(this.getSessionDir(this.mBackupSessionName)); } } catch (ex) { this.logError(ex); } // If we did a temporary restore, set it to false if (this.mPref_restore_temporary) this.setPref("restore_temporary", false) // Force saving the preferences this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null,"sessionmanager-preference-save",null); } else if (this.getPref("_save_prefs",false)) { // Save preference file if this preference is true in order to prevent problems on a crash. // It is set to true if an autosave session crashed and user did not resume it. this.delPref("_save_prefs"); this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null,"sessionmanager-preference-save",null); } this.mFullyLoaded = true; // Watch for changes to the titlebar so we can add our sessionname after it since // DOMTitleChanged doesn't fire every time the title changes in the titlebar. gBrowser.ownerDocument.watch("title", gSessionManager.updateTitlebar); gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); // Workaround for bug 366986 // TabClose event fires too late to use SetTabValue to save the "image" attribute value and have it be saved by SessionStore // so make the image tag persistant so it can be read later from the xultab variable. this.mSessionStore.persistTabAttribute("image"); // SeaMonkey doesn't have an undoCloseTab function so create one if (typeof(undoCloseTab) == "undefined") { undoCloseTab = function(aIndex) { gSessionManager.undoCloseTabSM(aIndex); } } // add call to gSessionManager_Sanitizer (code take from Tab Mix Plus) // nsBrowserGlue.js use loadSubScript to load Sanitizer so we need to add this here for the case // where the user disabled option to prompt before clearing data var cmd = document.getElementById("Tools:Sanitize"); if (cmd) cmd.setAttribute("oncommand", "gSessionManager.tryToSanitize();" + cmd.getAttribute("oncommand")); // Clear current window value setting if shouldn't be set. Need try catch because first browser window will throw an exception. try { if (!this.__window_session_name) { // Backup _sm_window_session_values first in case this is actually a restart or crash restore this._backup_window_sesion_data = this.mSessionStore.getWindowValue(window,"_sm_window_session_values"); if (this._backup_window_sesion_data) this.getAutoSaveValues(null, true); } } catch(ex) {} // Perform any needed update processing var oldVersion = this.getPref("version", "") var newVersion = this.mApplication.extensions.get("{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}").version; if (oldVersion != newVersion) { // Fix the closed window data if it's encrypted if ((this.mVersionCompare.compare(oldVersion, "") < 0) && !this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { // if encryption enabled if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { var windows = this.getClosedWindows_SM(); // if any closed windows if (windows.length) { var encrypt_okay = false; while (!encrypt_okay) { try { // force a master password prompt so we don't waste time if user cancels it this.mSecretDecoderRing.encryptString(""); encrypt_okay = true; } catch(ex) {}; } windows.forEach(function(aWindow) { aWindow.state = this.decrypt(aWindow.state, true, true); aWindow.state = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(aWindow.state); }, this); this.storeClosedWindows_SM(windows); } } } // this isn't used anymore if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(oldVersion, "") < 0) this.delPref("_no_reload"); // Clean out screenX and screenY persist values from localstore.rdf since we don't persist anymore. if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(oldVersion, "") < 0) { var RDF = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService); var ls = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=local-store"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource); var rdfNode = RDF.GetResource("chrome://sessionmanager/content/options.xul#sessionmanagerOptions"); var arcOut = ls.ArcLabelsOut(rdfNode); while (arcOut.hasMoreElements()) { var aLabel = arcOut.getNext(); if (aLabel instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource) { var aTarget = ls.GetTarget(rdfNode, aLabel, true); ls.Unassert(rdfNode, aLabel, aTarget); } } ls.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush(); } // Add backup sessions to backup group if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(oldVersion, "") < 0) { var sessions = this.getSessions(); sessions.forEach(function(aSession) { if (aSession.backup) { this.group(aSession.fileName, this._string("backup_sessions")); } }, this); } this.setPref("version", newVersion); // If development version, go to development change page if (/\.20[0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]/.test(newVersion)) { this.mFirstUrl = "http://sessionmanager.mozdev.org/changelog.xhtml"; } // One time message on update if (this.getPref("update_message", true)) { setTimeout(function() { var tBrowser = getBrowser(); tBrowser.selectedTab = tBrowser.addTab(gSessionManager.mFirstUrl); },100); } } this.log("onLoad end", "TRACE"); }, // If SessionStore component does not exist hide Session Manager GUI and uninstall onLoad_Uninstall: function() { window.removeEventListener("load", gSessionManager.onLoad_Uninstall, false); window.addEventListener("unload", gSessionManager.onUnload_Uninstall, false); var sessionButton = document.getElementById("sessionmanager-toolbar"); var undoButton = document.getElementById("sessionmanager-undo"); var sessionMenu = document.getElementById("sessionmanager-menu"); if (sessionButton) sessionButton.hidden = true; if (undoButton) undoButton.hidden = true; if (sessionMenu) sessionMenu.hidden = true; if (!gSessionManager.getPref("browser.sessionmanager.uninstalled", false, true)) { var bundle = document.getElementById("bundle_sessionmanager"); var title = bundle.getString("sessionManager"); var text = bundle.getString("not_supported"); var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); setTimeout(function() { promptService.alert((bundle)?window:null, title, text); }, 0); var liExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager); liExtensionManager.uninstallItem("{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}"); gSessionManager.setPref("browser.sessionmanager.uninstalled", true, true); } }, // If uninstalling because of incompatability remove preference onUnload_Uninstall: function() { this.removeEventListener("unload", gSessionManager.onUnload_Uninstall, false); // last window closing, delete preference if (gSessionManager.getBrowserWindows().length == 1) { gSessionManager.delPref("browser.sessionmanager.uninstalled", true); } }, // This fires only when the window is manually closed by using the "X" or via a window.close() call onClose_proxy: function(aEvent) { gSessionManager.log("onClose Fired", "INFO"); gSessionManager.onWindowCloseRequest(); }, // This fires any time the window is closed. It fires too late to use SessionStore's setWindowValue. onUnload_proxy: function() { gSessionManager.log("onUnload Fired", "INFO"); this.removeEventListener("close", gSessionManager.onClose_proxy, false); this.removeEventListener("unload", gSessionManager.onUnload_proxy, false); gSessionManager.onUnload(); }, onUnload: function() { this.log("onUnload start", "TRACE"); var allWindows = this.getBrowserWindows(); var numWindows = allWindows.length; this.log("onUnload: numWindows = " + numWindows, "DATA"); this.mObserving.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.removeObserver(this, aTopic); }, this); this.mPrefBranch.removeObserver("", this); gBrowser.removeEventListener("TabClose", this.onTabOpenClose, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("TabOpen", this.onTabOpenClose, false); if (this.mPref_reload) { gBrowser.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", this.onTabRestored_proxy, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("SSTabRestoring", this.onTabRestoring_proxy, false); } gBrowser.mStrip.removeEventListener("click", this.onTabBarClick, false); // stop watching for titlebar changes gBrowser.ownerDocument.unwatch("title"); // Last window closing will leaks briefly since mObserving2 observers are not removed from it // until after shutdown is run, but since browser is closing anyway, who cares? if (numWindows != 0) { this.mObserving2.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.removeObserver(this, aTopic); }, this); } // Stop Session timer and start another if needed if (this._timer) { this.log("onUnload: Session Timer stopped because window closed", "INFO"); this._timer.cancel(); this._timer = null; if (numWindows != 0) allWindows[0].gSessionManager.checkTimer(); } this.onWindowClose(); // This executes whenever the last browser window is closed (either manually or via shutdown). if (this.isRunning() && numWindows == 0) { this._string_preserve_session = this._string("preserve_session"); this._string_backup_session = this._string("backup_session"); this._string_backup_sessions = this._string("backup_sessions"); this._string_old_backup_session = this._string("old_backup_session"); this._string_prompt_not_again = this._string("prompt_not_again"); this._string_encrypt_fail = this._string("encrypt_fail"); this._string_encrypt_fail2 = this._string("encrypt_fail2"); this._string_save_and_restore = this._string("save_and_restore"); this._screen_width = screen.width; this._screen_height = screen.height; this.mTitle += " - " + document.getElementById("bundle_brand").getString("brandFullName"); // This will run the shutdown processing if the preference is set and the last browser window is closed manually if (this.mPref_shutdown_on_last_window_close && !this.mPref__stopping) { this.mObserving2.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.removeObserver(this, aTopic); }, this); this.shutDown(); // Don't look at the session startup type if a new window is opened without shutting down the browser. Application.storage.set(this.mAlreadyShutdown, true); } } this.mBundle = null; this.mFullyLoaded = false; this.log("onUnload end", "TRACE"); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { this.log("observe: aTopic = " + aTopic + ", aData = " + aData + ", Subject = " + aSubject, "INFO"); switch (aTopic) { case "sessionmanager:close-windowsession": // notification will either specify specific window session name or be null for all window sessions if (this.__window_session_name && (!aData || (this.__window_session_name == aData))) { var abandon = aSubject.QueryInterface(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool).data; this.log((abandon ? "Abandoning" : "Closing") + " window session " + this.__window_session_name); if (abandon) { this.abandonSession(true); } else { this.closeSession(true); } } break; case "sessionmanager:initial-windows-restored": // check both the backup and current window value just in case var window_values = this._backup_window_sesion_data || this.mSessionStore.getWindowValue(window,"_sm_window_session_values"); if (window_values) this.getAutoSaveValues(window_values, true); this.log("observe: Restore new window done, window session = " + this.__window_session_name, "DATA"); this._backup_window_sesion_data = null; break; case "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose": // only update all windows if window state changed. if ((aData != "tab") || (window == aSubject)) this.updateToolbarButton(); break; case "sessionmanager:process-closed-window": // This will handle any left over processing that results from closing the last browser window, but // not actually exiting the browser and then opening a new browser window. The window will be // autosaved or saved into the closed window list depending on if it was an autosave session or not. // The observers will then be removed which will result in the window being removed from memory. if (window != aSubject) { try { if (!this.closeSession(false)) this.onWindowClose(); } catch(ex) { this.logError(ex); } this.mClosingWindowState = null; this.mCleanBrowser = null; this.mClosedWindowName = null; this.mObserving2.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.removeObserver(this, aTopic); }, this); this.log("observe: done processing closed window", "INFO"); } break; case "sessionmanager:updatetitlebar": gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); break; case "browser:purge-session-history": this.clearUndoData("all"); break; case "private-browsing-change-granted": switch(aData) { case "enter": // Only do the following once if (!this.doNotDoPrivateProcessing) { // Close current autosave session or make an autosave backup (if not already in private browsing mode) if (!this.closeSession(false,true) && this.mPref_autosave_session) { // If autostart or disabling history via options, make a real backup, otherwise make a temporary backup if (this.isAutoStartPrivateBrowserMode()) { this.backupCurrentSession(true); } else { this.autoSaveCurrentSession(true); } } // Prevent other windows from doing the saving processing this.getBrowserWindows().forEach(function(aWindow) { if (aWindow != window) { aWindow.gSessionManager.doNotDoPrivateProcessing = true; } }); } break; case "exit": this.doNotDoPrivateProcessing = false; // If browser shutting down, set flag aSubject.QueryInterface(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); if (aSubject.data) { if (!this.mPref_enable_saving_in_private_browsing_mode || !this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { this.mShutDownInPrivateBrowsingMode = true; } } break; } break; case "nsPref:changed": this["mPref_" + aData] = this.getPref(aData); switch (aData) { case "click_restore_tab": this.watchForMiddleMouseClicks(); break; case "encrypt_sessions": this.encryptionChange(); break; case "max_closed_undo": if (!this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { if (this.mPref_max_closed_undo == 0) { this.clearUndoData("window", true); } else { var closedWindows = this.getClosedWindows_SM(); if (closedWindows.length > this.mPref_max_closed_undo) { this.storeClosedWindows_SM(closedWindows.slice(0, this.mPref_max_closed_undo)); } } } break; case "_autosave_values": // split out name and group this.getAutoSaveValues(this.mPref__autosave_values); this.mPref__autosave_values = null; this.checkTimer(); gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); break; case "hide_tools_menu": this.showHideToolsMenu(); break; case "reload": if (this.mPref_reload) { gBrowser.addEventListener("SSTabRestoring", this.onTabRestoring_proxy, false); gBrowser.addEventListener("SSTabRestored", this.onTabRestored_proxy, false); } else { gBrowser.removeEventListener("SSTabRestoring", this.onTabRestoring_proxy, false); gBrowser.removeEventListener("SSTabRestored", this.onTabRestored_proxy, false); } break; case "use_SS_closed_window_list": // Flag to determine whether or not to use SessionStore Closed Window List this.mUseSSClosedWindowList = (this.mPref_use_SS_closed_window_list && typeof(this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowCount) == "function"); this.updateToolbarButton(); break; case "session_name_in_titlebar": gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); break; } break; case "quit-application": this.mObserving2.forEach(function(aTopic) { this.mObserverService.removeObserver(this, aTopic); }, this); // only run shutdown for one window and if not restarting browser (or on restart is user wants) if (this.mPref_backup_on_restart || (aData != "restart")) { this.shutDown(); } else { // Save any active auto-save session, but leave it open. this.closeSession(false, false, true); } break; case "quit-application-requested": this._restart_requested = (aData == "restart"); break; case "quit-application-granted": // If not restarting or if this window doesn't have a window session open, // hurry and wipe out the window session value before Session Store stops allowing // window values to be updated. if (!this._restart_requested || !this.__window_session_name) { this.log("observe: Clearing window session data", "INFO"); // this throws if it doesn't exist so try/catch it try { this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "_sm_window_session_values"); } catch(ex) {} } // quit granted so stop listening for closed windows this.mPref__stopping = true; this._mUserDirectory = this.getUserDir("sessions"); break; // timer periodic call case "timer-callback": if (aSubject == this._clear_state_timer) { this.log("Timer callback to clear closing window state data", "INFO"); this.mClosingWindowState = null; this.mCleanBrowser = null; this.mClosedWindowName = null; this._clear_state_timer = null; } else { // save auto-save or window session if open, but don't close it this.log("Timer callback for " + ((aSubject == this._win_timer) ? "window" : "session" ) + " timer", "EXTRA"); this.closeSession((aSubject == this._win_timer), false, true); } break; } }, onTabOpenClose: function(aEvent) { // Give browser a chance to update count closed tab count. Only SeaMonkey currently needs this, but it doesn't hurt Firefox. setTimeout(function() { gSessionManager.updateToolbarButton(); }, 0); }, // This is to try and prevent tabs that are closed during the restore preocess from actually reloading. // It doesn't work all the time, but it's better than nothing. onTabRestoring_proxy: function(aEvent) { // If tab reloading enabled and not offline if (gSessionManager.mPref_reload && !gSessionManager.mIOService.offline) { var sessionStore = gSessionManager.mSessionStore; if (sessionStore.getTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_reload")) { sessionStore.deleteTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_reload"); } else if (sessionStore.getTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_allow_reload")) { sessionStore.deleteTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_allow_reload"); sessionStore.setTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_reload", true); } } }, onTabRestored_proxy: function(aEvent) { // If tab reloading enabled and not offline if (gSessionManager.mPref_reload && !gSessionManager.mIOService.offline) { // Restore tabs that are marked restore. var sessionStore = gSessionManager.mSessionStore; var allowReload = sessionStore.getTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_reload"); if (allowReload == "true") { var nsIWebNavigation = Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation; var browser = this.getBrowserForTab(aEvent.originalTarget); browser.reloadWithFlags(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE); // no longer allow tab to reload try { sessionStore.deleteTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_reload"); sessionStore.deleteTabValue(aEvent.originalTarget, "session_manager_allow_reload"); } catch (ex) {} } } }, onTabBarClick: function(aEvent) { //undo close tab on middle click on tab bar if (aEvent.button == 1 && aEvent.target.localName != "tab") { undoCloseTab(); } }, onToolbarClick: function(aEvent, aButton) { if (aEvent.button == 1) { // simulate shift left clicking toolbar button when middle click is used var event = document.createEvent("XULCommandEvents"); event.initCommandEvent("command", false, true, window, 0, false, false, true, false, null); aButton.dispatchEvent(event); } else if (aEvent.button == 2 && aButton.getAttribute("disabled") != "true") { aButton.open = true; } }, // This is needed because a window close can be cancelled and we don't want to process such as closing a window onWindowCloseRequest: function() { this.log("onWindowClosedRequest start", "TRACE"); // Clear any previously closing state data so we get fresh data this.mClosingWindowState = null; this.mCleanBrowser = null; this.mClosedWindowName = null; try { // Store closing state if it will be needed later if (this.__window_session_name || !this.mUseSSClosedWindowList || (this.getBrowserWindows().length == 1)) { this.log("onWindowClosedRequest saved closing state", "INFO"); this.mClosingWindowState = this.getSessionState(null, true, null, null, null, true); this.mCleanBrowser = Array.every(gBrowser.browsers, this.isCleanBrowser); this.mClosedWindowName = content.document.title || ((gBrowser.currentURI.spec != "about:blank")?gBrowser.currentURI.spec:this._string("untitled_window")); // Set up a one second timer to clear the saved data in case the window isn't actually closing this._clear_state_timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer); this._clear_state_timer.init(gSessionManager, 1000, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } } catch(ex) { this.logError(ex); } this.log("onWindowClosedRequest end", "TRACE"); }, onWindowClose: function() { this.log("onWindowClosed start", "TRACE"); if (this._clear_state_timer) { this.log("Canceling clear closing window state timer", "INFO"); this._clear_state_timer.cancel(); this._clear_state_timer = null; } // if there is a window session save it (leave it open if browser is restarting) if (this.__window_session_name) { this.closeSession(true, false, this._restart_requested); } this.log("onWindowClose: running = " + this.isRunning() + ", stopping = " + this.mPref__stopping, "DATA"); var numWindows = this.getBrowserWindows().length; this.log("onWindowClose: numWindows = " + numWindows, "DATA"); // only save closed window if running and not shutting down if (this.isRunning() && !this.mPref__stopping) { // save window in closed window list if not last window if (numWindows > 0) { if (!this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { var state = this.getSessionState(null, true, null, null, null, true, null, this.mClosingWindowState); this.appendClosedWindow(state); } this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); } } // Clear stored closing state if not the last window if (numWindows > 0) { this.mClosingWindowState = null; this.mCleanBrowser = null; this.mClosedWindowName = null; } this.log("onWindowClosed end", "TRACE"); }, // Put current session name in browser titlebar // This is a watch function which is called any time the titlebar text changes // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference/Global_Objects/Object/watch updateTitlebar: function(id, oldVal, newVal) { if (id == "title") { // Don't kill browser if something goes wrong try { var windowTitleName = (gSessionManager.__window_session_name) ? (gSessionManager._string("window_session") + " " + gSessionManager.__window_session_name) : ""; var sessionTitleName = (gSessionManager.mPref__autosave_name) ? (gSessionManager._string("current_session2") + " " + gSessionManager.mPref__autosave_name) : ""; var title = ((windowTitleName || sessionTitleName) ? "(" : "") + windowTitleName + ((windowTitleName && sessionTitleName) ? ", " : "") + sessionTitleName + ((windowTitleName || sessionTitleName) ? ")" : "") if (title) { // Add window and browser session titles switch(gSessionManager.mPref_session_name_in_titlebar) { case 0: newVal = newVal + " - " + title; break; case 1: newVal = title + " - " + newVal; break; } } } catch (ex) { gSessionManager.logError(ex); } } return newVal; }, // Undo close tab if middle click on tab bar if enabled by user - only do this if Tab Clicking Options // or Tab Mix Plus are not installed. watchForMiddleMouseClicks: function() { if (this.mPref_click_restore_tab && (typeof(tabClicking) == "undefined") && (typeof(TM_checkClick) == "undefined")) { gBrowser.mStrip.addEventListener("click", this.onTabBarClick, false); } else gBrowser.mStrip.removeEventListener("click", this.onTabBarClick, false); }, /* ........ Menu Event Handlers .............. */ init: function(aPopup, aIsToolbar) { function get_(a_id) { return aPopup.getElementsByAttribute("_id", a_id)[0] || null; } var separator = get_("separator"); var backupSep = get_("backup-separator"); var startSep = get_("start-separator"); var closer = get_("closer"); var closerWindow = get_("closer_window"); var abandon = get_("abandon"); var abandonWindow = get_("abandon_window"); var backupMenu = get_("backup-menu"); for (var item = startSep.nextSibling; item != separator; item = startSep.nextSibling) { aPopup.removeChild(item); } // The first time this function is run after an item is added or removed from the browser toolbar // using the customize feature, the backupMenu.menupopup value is not defined. This happens once for // each menu (tools menu and toolbar button). Using the backupMenu.firstChild will work around this // Firefox bug, even though it technically isn't needed. var backupPopup = backupMenu.menupopup || backupMenu.firstChild; while (backupPopup.childNodes.length) backupPopup.removeChild(backupPopup.childNodes[0]); closer.hidden = abandon.hidden = (this.mPref__autosave_name==""); closerWindow.hidden = abandonWindow.hidden = !this.__window_session_name; get_("autosave-separator").hidden = closer.hidden && closerWindow.hidden && abandon.hidden && abandonWindow.hidden; // Disable saving in privacy mode var inPrivateBrowsing = this.isPrivateBrowserMode(); this.setDisabled(get_("save"), inPrivateBrowsing); this.setDisabled(get_("saveWin"), inPrivateBrowsing); var windowSessions = this.getWindowSessions(); var sessions = this.getSessions(); var groupNames = []; var groupMenus = {}; var count = 0; var backupCount = 0; var user_latest = false; var backup_latest = false; sessions.forEach(function(aSession, aIx) { if (!aSession.backup && !aSession.group && (this.mPref_max_display >= 0) && (count >= this.mPref_max_display)) return; var key = (aSession.backup || aSession.group)?"":(++count < 10)?count:(count == 10)?"0":""; var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", ((key)?key + ") ":"") + aSession.name + " (" + aSession.windows + "/" + aSession.tabs + ")"); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", menuitem.getAttribute("label")); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'gSessionManager.load("' + aSession.fileName + '", (event.shiftKey && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey))?"overwrite":(event.shiftKey)?"newwindow":(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)?"append":"");'); menuitem.setAttribute("onclick", 'if (event.button == 1) gSessionManager.load("' + aSession.fileName + '", "newwindow");'); menuitem.setAttribute("contextmenu", "sessionmanager-ContextMenu"); menuitem.setAttribute("filename", aSession.fileName); menuitem.setAttribute("backup-item", aSession.backup); menuitem.setAttribute("accesskey", key); menuitem.setAttribute("autosave", /^window|session/.exec(aSession.autosave)); menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", windowSessions[aSession.name.trim().toLowerCase()] || false); menuitem.setAttribute("crop", "center"); // only display one latest (even if two have the same timestamp) if (!(aSession.backup?backup_latest:user_latest) && ((aSession.backup?sessions.latestBackUpTime:sessions.latestTime) == aSession.timestamp)) { menuitem.setAttribute("latest", true); if (aSession.backup) backup_latest = true; else user_latest = true; } if (aSession.name == this.mPref__autosave_name) menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", true); if (aSession.backup) { backupCount++; backupPopup.appendChild(menuitem); } else { if (aSession.group) { var groupMenu = groupMenus[aSession.group]; if (!groupMenu) { groupMenu = document.createElement("menu"); groupMenu.setAttribute("_id", aSession.group); groupMenu.setAttribute("label", aSession.group); groupMenu.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aSession.group); groupMenu.setAttribute("accesskey", aSession.group.charAt(0)); groupMenu.setAttribute("contextmenu", "sessionmanager-groupContextMenu"); var groupPopup = document.createElement("menupopup"); groupPopup.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", "event.stopPropagation();"); groupMenu.appendChild(groupPopup); groupNames.push(aSession.group); groupMenus[aSession.group] = groupMenu; } var groupPopup = groupMenu.menupopup || groupMenu.lastChild; groupPopup.appendChild(menuitem); } else aPopup.insertBefore(menuitem, separator); } }, this); // Display groups in alphabetical order at the top of the list if (groupNames.length) { groupNames.sort(function(a, b) { return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }); var insertBeforeEntry = startSep.nextSibling; groupNames.forEach(function(aGroup, aIx) { aPopup.insertBefore(groupMenus[aGroup], insertBeforeEntry); },this); } backupSep.hidden = backupMenu.hidden = (backupCount == 0); separator.hidden = (this.mPref_max_display == 0) || ((sessions.length - backupCount) == 0); this.setDisabled(get_("load"), separator.hidden && backupSep.hidden); this.setDisabled(get_("rename"), separator.hidden && backupSep.hidden); this.setDisabled(get_("remove"), separator.hidden && backupSep.hidden); this.setDisabled(get_("group"), separator.hidden && backupSep.hidden); var undoMenu = get_("undo-menu"); while (aPopup.lastChild != undoMenu) { aPopup.removeChild(aPopup.lastChild); } var undoDisabled = ((this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 10, true) == 0) && ((!this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && (this.mPref_max_closed_undo == 0)) || (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo", 10, true) == 0))); var divertedMenu = aIsToolbar && document.getElementById("sessionmanager-undo"); var canUndo = !undoDisabled && !divertedMenu && this.initUndo(undoMenu.firstChild); undoMenu.hidden = undoDisabled || divertedMenu || !this.mPref_submenus; undoMenu.previousSibling.hidden = !canUndo && undoMenu.hidden; this.setDisabled(undoMenu, !canUndo); if (!this.mPref_submenus && canUndo) { for (item = undoMenu.firstChild.firstChild; item; item = item.nextSibling) { aPopup.appendChild(item.cloneNode(true)); // Event handlers aren't copied so need to set them up again to display status bar text if (item.getAttribute("statustext")) { aPopup.lastChild.addEventListener("DOMMenuItemActive", function(event) { this.ownerDocument.getElementById("statusbar-display").setAttribute("label",this.getAttribute("statustext")); }, false); aPopup.lastChild.addEventListener("DOMMenuItemInactive", function(event) { this.ownerDocument.getElementById("statusbar-display").setAttribute("label",''); }, false); } } } // Bug copies tooltiptext to children so specifically set tooltiptext for all children if (aIsToolbar) { this.fixBug374288(aPopup.parentNode); } }, save: function(aName, aFileName, aGroup, aOneWindow) { if (this.isPrivateBrowserMode()) return; aOneWindow = aOneWindow; // && (this.getBrowserWindows().length > 1); var values = { text: this.getFormattedName(content.document.title || "about:blank", new Date()) || (new Date()).toLocaleString(), autoSaveable : true }; if (!aName) { if (!this.prompt(this._string("save2_session"), this._string("save_" + ((aOneWindow)?"window":"session") + "_ok"), values, this._string("save_" + ((aOneWindow)?"window":"session")), this._string("save_session_ok2"))) { return; } aName = values.text; aFileName = values.name; aGroup = values.group; } if (aName) { var file = this.getSessionDir(aFileName || this.makeFileName(aName), !aFileName); try { var oldstate = null, merge = false; // If appending, get the old state and pass it to getSessionState to merge with the current state if (values.append && aFileName && file.exists()) { oldstate = this.readSessionFile(file); if (oldstate) { var matchArray = this.mSessionRegExp.exec(oldstate); if (matchArray) { oldstate = oldstate.split("\n")[4]; oldstate = this.decrypt(oldstate); if (oldstate) merge = true; } } } this.writeFile(file, this.getSessionState(aName, aOneWindow, this.getNoUndoData(), values.autoSave, aGroup, null, values.autoSaveTime, oldstate, merge)); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } // Combine auto-save values into string var autosaveValues = this.mergeAutoSaveValues(aName, aGroup, values.autoSaveTime); if (!aOneWindow) { if (values.autoSave) { this.setPref("_autosave_values", autosaveValues); } else if (this.mPref__autosave_name == aName) { // If in auto-save session and user saves on top of it as manual turn off autosave this.setPref("_autosave_values",""); } } else { if (values.autoSave) { // Store autosave values into window value and also into window variables this.getAutoSaveValues(autosaveValues, true); } } } }, saveWindow: function(aName, aFileName, aGroup) { this.save(aName, aFileName, aGroup, true); }, // if aOneWindow is true, then close the window session otherwise close the browser session closeSession: function(aOneWindow, aForceSave, aKeepOpen) { this.log("closeSession: " + ((aOneWindow) ? this.__window_session_name : this.mPref__autosave_name) + ", aKeepOpen = " + aKeepOpen, "DATA"); var name = (aOneWindow) ? this.__window_session_name : this.mPref__autosave_name; var group = (aOneWindow) ? this.__window_session_group : this.mPref__autosave_group; var time = (aOneWindow) ? this.__window_session_time : this.mPref__autosave_time; if (name) { var file = this.getSessionDir(this.makeFileName(name)); try { // If forcing a save or not in private browsing save auto or window session. Use stored closing window state if it exists. if (aForceSave || !this.isPrivateBrowserMode()) this.writeFile(file, this.getSessionState(name, aOneWindow, this.getNoUndoData(), true, group, null, time, this.mClosingWindowState)); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } if (!aKeepOpen) { if (!aOneWindow) { this.setPref("_autosave_values",""); } else { this.getAutoSaveValues(null, true); } } return true; } return false; }, abandonSession: function(aOneWindow) { var dontPrompt = { value: false }; if (this.getPref("no_abandon_prompt") || this.mPromptService.confirmEx(null, this.mTitle, this._string("abandom_prompt"), this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0 + this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1, null, null, null, this._string("prompt_not_again"), dontPrompt) == 0) { if (aOneWindow) { this.getAutoSaveValues(null, true); } else { this.setPref("_autosave_values",""); } if (dontPrompt.value) { this.setPref("no_abandon_prompt", true); } } }, load: function(aFileName, aMode, aChoseTabs) { this.log("load: aFileName = " + aFileName + ", aMode = " + aMode + ", aChoseTabs = " + aChoseTabs, "DATA"); var state, chosenState, window_autosave_values, force_new_window = false, overwrite_window = false; if (!aFileName) { var values = { append_replace: true }; aFileName = this.selectSession(this._string("load_session"), this._string("load_session_ok"), values); var file; if (!aFileName || !(file = this.getSessionDir(aFileName)) || !file.exists()) return; aChoseTabs = values.choseTabs; aMode = values.append ? "newwindow" : (values.append_window ? "append" : "overwrite"); } if (aChoseTabs) { // Get windows and tabs chosen by user chosenState = this.mSMHelper.mSessionData; this.mSMHelper.setSessionData(""); // Get session header data from disk state = this.readSessionFile(this.getSessionDir(aFileName), true); } else state = this.readSessionFile(this.getSessionDir(aFileName)); if (!state) { this.ioError(); return; } var matchArray = this.mSessionRegExp.exec(state); if (!matchArray) { this.ioError(); return; } // If user somehow managed to load an active Window or Auto Session, ignore it if ((/^window/.test(matchArray[3]) && this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mActiveWindowSessions, {})[matchArray[1].trim().toLowerCase()]) || (/^session/.test(matchArray[3]) && (this.mPref__autosave_name == matchArray[1]))) { this.log("Opened an already active auto or window session: " + matchArray[1], "INFO"); return; } // handle case when always want a new window (even if current window is blank) and // want to overwrite the current window, but not the current session switch (aMode) { case "newwindow_always": force_new_window = true; aMode = "newwindow"; break; case "overwrite_window": overwrite_window = true; aMode = "append"; // Basically an append with overwriting tabs break; } var sessionWidth = parseInt(matchArray[9]); var sessionHeight = parseInt(matchArray[10]); var xDelta = (!sessionWidth || isNaN(sessionWidth)) ? 1 : (screen.width / sessionWidth); var yDelta = (!sessionHeight || isNaN(sessionHeight)) ? 1 : (screen.height / sessionHeight); this.log("xDelta = " + xDelta + ", yDelta = " + yDelta, "DATA"); state = (aChoseTabs && chosenState) ? chosenState : state.split("\n")[4]; var startup = (aMode == "startup"); var newWindow = false; var overwriteTabs = true; var tabsToMove = null; var noUndoData = this.getNoUndoData(true, aMode); // gSingleWindowMode is set if Tab Mix Plus's single window mode is enabled var TMP_SingleWindowMode = (typeof(gSingleWindowMode) != "undefined" && gSingleWindowMode); if (TMP_SingleWindowMode) this.log("Tab Mix Plus single window mode is enabled", "INFO"); // Use only existing window if our preference to do so is set or Tab Mix Plus's single window mode is enabled var singleWindowMode = (this.mPref_append_by_default && (aMode != "newwindow")) || TMP_SingleWindowMode; if (singleWindowMode && (aMode == "newwindow" || (!startup && (aMode != "overwrite") && !this.mPref_overwrite))) aMode = "append"; // Use specified mode or default. aMode = aMode || "default"; if (startup) { overwriteTabs = this.isCmdLineEmpty(); tabsToMove = (!overwriteTabs)?Array.slice(gBrowser.mTabs):null; } else if (!overwrite_window && (aMode == "append")) { overwriteTabs = false; } else if (!singleWindowMode && (aMode == "newwindow" || (aMode != "overwrite" && !this.mPref_overwrite))) { // if there is only a blank window with no closed tabs, just use that instead of opening a new window var tabs = window.getBrowser(); if (force_new_window || this.getBrowserWindows().length != 1 || !tabs || tabs.mTabs.length > 1 || tabs.mTabs[0].linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec != "about:blank" || this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window) > 0) { newWindow = true; } } // Handle case where trying to restore to a newly opened window and Tab Mix Plus's Single Window Mode is active. // TMP is going to close this window after the restore, so restore into existing window var altWindow = null; if (TMP_SingleWindowMode) { var windows = this.getBrowserWindows(); if (windows.length == 2) { this.log("load: Restoring window into existing window because TMP single window mode active", "INFO"); if (windows[0] == window) altWindow = windows[1]; else altWindow = windows[0]; overwriteTabs = false; } } // Check whether or not to close open auto and window sessions. // Don't save current session on startup since there isn't any. Don't save unless // overwriting existing window(s) since nothing is lost in that case. if (!startup) { if ((!newWindow && overwriteTabs) || overwrite_window) { // close current window sessions if open if (this.__window_session_name) { this.closeSession(true); } } if (!newWindow && overwriteTabs && !overwrite_window) { // Closed all open window sessions var abandonBool = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); abandonBool.data = false; this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(abandonBool, "sessionmanager:close-windowsession", null); // close current autosave session if open if (this.mPref__autosave_name) { this.closeSession(false); } else { if (this.mPref_autosave_session) this.autoSaveCurrentSession(); } } } // If not in private browser mode and did not choose tabs and not appending to current window if (!aChoseTabs && !this.isPrivateBrowserMode() && overwriteTabs && !altWindow) { // if this is a window session, keep track of it if (/^window\/?(\d*)$/.test(matchArray[3])) { var time = parseInt(RegExp.$1); window_autosave_values = this.mergeAutoSaveValues(matchArray[1], matchArray[7], time); this.log("load: window session", "INFO"); } // If this is an autosave session, keep track of it if not opening it in a new window and if there is not already an active session if (!newWindow && !overwrite_window && this.mPref__autosave_name=="" && /^session\/?(\d*)$/.test(matchArray[3])) { var time = parseInt(RegExp.$1); this.setPref("_autosave_values", this.mergeAutoSaveValues(matchArray[1], matchArray[7], time)); } } // If reload tabs enabled and not offline, set the tabs to allow reloading if (this.mPref_reload && !this.mIOService.offline) { try { state = this.decrypt(state); if (!state) return; var tempState = this.JSON_decode(state); for (var i in tempState.windows) { for (var j in tempState.windows[i].tabs) { // Only tag web pages as allowed to reload (this excludes chrome, about, etc) if (tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].entries && tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].entries.length != 0 && /^https?:\/\//.test(tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].entries[tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].index - 1].url)) { if (!tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].extData) tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].extData = {}; tempState.windows[i].tabs[j].extData["session_manager_allow_reload"] = true; } } } state = this.JSON_encode(tempState); } catch (ex) { this.logError(ex); }; } setTimeout(function() { var tabcount = gBrowser.mTabs.length; var okay = gSessionManager.restoreSession((!newWindow)?(altWindow?altWindow:window):null, state, overwriteTabs, noUndoData, (overwriteTabs && !newWindow && !singleWindowMode && !overwrite_window), (singleWindowMode || (!overwriteTabs && !startup)), startup, window_autosave_values, xDelta, yDelta); if (okay) { gSessionManager.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); if (tabsToMove) { var endPos = gBrowser.mTabs.length - 1; tabsToMove.forEach(function(aTab) { gBrowser.moveTabTo(aTab, endPos); }); } } // failed to load so clear autosession in case user tried to load one else gSessionManager.setPref("_autosave_values", ""); }, 0); }, rename: function(aSession) { var values; if (aSession) values = { name: aSession, text: this.getSessionCache(aSession).name }; else values = {}; if (!this.prompt(this._string("rename_session"), this._string("rename_session_ok"), values, this._string("rename2_session"))) { return; } var file = this.getSessionDir(values.name); var filename = this.makeFileName(values.text); var newFile = (filename != file.leafName)?this.getSessionDir(filename, true):null; try { if (!file || !file.exists()) throw new Error(this._string("file_not_found")); var state = this.readSessionFile(file); var oldname = null; // Get original name if (/^(\[SessionManager v2\])(?:\nname=(.*))?/m.test(state)) oldname = RegExp.$2; // remove group name if it was a backup session if (this.getSessionCache(values.name).backup) state = state.replace(/\tgroup=[^\t|^\n|^\r]+/m, ""); this.writeFile(newFile || file, this.nameState(state, values.text)); if (newFile) { if (this.mPref_resume_session == file.leafName && this.mPref_resume_session != this.mBackupSessionName && this.mPref_resume_session != this.mAutoSaveSessionName) { this.setPref("resume_session", filename); } this.delFile(file); } // Update any renamed auto or window session this.updateAutoSaveSessions(oldname, values.text); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } }, group: function(aSession, aNewGroup) { var values = { multiSelect: true, grouping: true }; if (typeof(aNewGroup) == "undefined") { aSession = this.prompt(this._string("group_session"), this._string("group_session_okay"), values, this._string("group_session_text")); } else { values.name = aSession; values.group = aNewGroup; } if (aSession) { var auto_save_file_name = this.makeFileName(this.mPref__autosave_name); values.name.split("\n").forEach(function(aFileName) { try { var file = this.getSessionDir(aFileName); if (!file || !file.exists()) throw new Error(this._string("file_not_found")); var state = this.readSessionFile(file); state = state.replace(/(\tcount=\d+\/\d+)(\tgroup=[^\t|^\n|^\r]+)?/m, function($0, $1) { return $1 + (values.group ? ("\tgroup=" + values.group.replace(/\t/g, " ")) : ""); }); this.writeFile(file, state); // Grouped active session if (auto_save_file_name == aFileName) { this.setPref("_autosave_values", this.mergeAutoSaveValues(this.mPref__autosave_name, values.group, this.mPref__autosave_time)); } } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } }, this); } }, remove: function(aSession) { if (!aSession) { var values = { multiSelect: true, remove: true }; aSession = this.selectSession(this._string("remove_session"), this._string("remove_session_ok"), values); // If user chose to delete specific windows and tabs in a session if (values.choseTabs) { // Get windows and tabs that were not deleted try { var file = this.getSessionDir(aSession); if (file.exists()) { var state = this.readSessionFile(file); if (state) { var matchArray = this.mSessionRegExp.exec(state); if (matchArray) { state = state.split("\n"); var count = this.getCount(this.mSMHelper.mSessionData); state[3] = state[3].replace(/\tcount=[1-9][0-9]*\/[1-9][0-9]*/, "\tcount=" + count.windows + "/" + count.tabs); state[4] = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(this.mSMHelper.mSessionData); state = state.join("\n"); this.writeFile(file, state); } } } } catch(ex) { this.ioError(ex); } this.mSMHelper.setSessionData(""); aSession = null; } } if (aSession) { aSession.split("\n").forEach(function(aFileName) { // If deleted autoload session, revert to no autoload session if ((aFileName == this.mPref_resume_session) && (aFileName != this.mBackupSessionName)) { this.setPref("resume_session", this.mBackupSessionName); this.setPref("startup", 0); } // In case deleting an auto-save or window session, update browser data this.updateAutoSaveSessions(this.getSessionCache(aFileName).name); this.delFile(this.getSessionDir(aFileName)); }, this); } }, openFolder: function() { var dir = this.getSessionDir(); try { // "Double click" the session directory to open it dir.launch(); } catch (e) { try { // If launch also fails (probably because it's not implemented), let the // OS handler try to open the session directory var uri = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService).newFileURI(dir); var protocolSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExternalProtocolService); protocolSvc.loadUrl(uri); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } } }, openOptions: function() { var dialog = this.mWindowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("SessionManager:Options"); if (dialog) { dialog.focus(); return; } openDialog("chrome://sessionmanager/content/options.xul", "_blank", "chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen," + ((this.getPref("browser.preferences.instantApply", false, true))?"dialog=no":"modal")); }, /* ........ Undo Menu Event Handlers .............. */ initUndo: function(aPopup, aStandAlone) { function get_(a_id) { return aPopup.getElementsByAttribute("_id", a_id)[0] || null; } var separator = get_("closed-separator"); var label = get_("windows"); for (var item = separator.previousSibling; item != label; item = separator.previousSibling) { aPopup.removeChild(item); } var defaultIcon = (this.mApplication.name.toUpperCase() == "SEAMONKEY") ? "chrome://sessionmanager/skin/bookmark-item.png" : "chrome://sessionmanager/skin/defaultFavicon.png"; var encrypt_okay = true; // make sure user enters master password if using sessionmanager.dat if (!this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { try { this.mSecretDecoderRing.encryptString(""); } catch(ex) { encrypt_okay = false; this.cryptError(this._string("decrypt_fail2")); } } if (encrypt_okay) { var badClosedWindowData = false; var closedWindows = this.getClosedWindows(); closedWindows.forEach(function(aWindow, aIx) { // Try to decrypt is using sessionmanager.dat, if can't then data is bad since we checked for master password above var state = this.mUseSSClosedWindowList ? aWindow.state : this.decrypt(aWindow.state, true); if (!state && !this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { // flag it for removal from the list and go to next entry badClosedWindowData = true; aWindow._decode_error = "crypt_error"; return; } state = this.JSON_decode(state, true); // detect corrupt sessionmanager.dat file if (state._JSON_decode_failed && !this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { // flag it for removal from the list and go to next entry badClosedWindowData = true; aWindow._decode_error = state._JSON_decode_error; return; } // Get favicon var image = defaultIcon; if (state.windows[0].tabs[0].xultab) { var xultabData = state.windows[0].tabs[0].xultab.split(" "); xultabData.forEach(function(bValue, bIndex) { var data = bValue.split("="); if (data[0] == "image") { image = data[1]; } }, this); } // Firefox 3.5 uses attributes instead of xultab if (state.windows[0].tabs[0].attributes && state.windows[0].tabs[0].attributes.image) { image = state.windows[0].tabs[0].attributes.image; } // Trying to display a favicon for an https with an invalid certificate will throw up an exception box, so don't do that // Firefox's about:sessionrestore also fails with authentication requests, but Session Manager seems okay with that so just // use the work around for https. if (/^https:/.test(image)) { image = "moz-anno:favicon:" + image; } // Get tab count var count = state.windows[0].tabs.length; var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic sessionmanager-closedtab-item"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", aWindow.name + " (" + count + ")"); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aWindow.name + " (" + count + ")"); menuitem.setAttribute("index", "window" + aIx); menuitem.setAttribute("image", image); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'gSessionManager.undoCloseWindow(' + aIx + ', (event.shiftKey && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey))?"overwrite":(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)?"append":"");'); menuitem.setAttribute("onclick", 'gSessionManager.clickClosedUndoMenuItem(event);'); menuitem.setAttribute("contextmenu", "sessionmanager-undo-ContextMenu"); menuitem.setAttribute("crop", "center"); aPopup.insertBefore(menuitem, separator); }, this); // Remove any bad closed windows if (badClosedWindowData) { var error = null; for (var i=0; i < closedWindows.length; i++) { if (closedWindows[i]._decode_error) { error = closedWindows[i]._decode_error; closedWindows.splice(i, 1); this.storeClosedWindows_SM(closedWindows); // Do this so we don't skip over the next entry because of splice i--; } } if (error == "crypt_error") { this.cryptError(this._string("decrypt_fail1")); } else { this.sessionError(error); } } } label.hidden = !encrypt_okay || (closedWindows.length == 0); var listEnd = get_("end-separator"); for (item = separator.nextSibling.nextSibling; item != listEnd; item = separator.nextSibling.nextSibling) { aPopup.removeChild(item); } var closedTabs = this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabData(window); var mClosedTabs = []; closedTabs = this.JSON_decode(closedTabs); closedTabs.forEach(function(aValue, aIndex) { mClosedTabs[aIndex] = { title:aValue.title, image:null, url:aValue.state.entries[aValue.state.entries.length - 1].url } // Get favicon mClosedTabs[aIndex].image = defaultIcon; if (aValue.state.xultab) { var xultabData = aValue.state.xultab.split(" "); xultabData.forEach(function(bValue, bIndex) { var data = bValue.split("="); if (data[0] == "image") { mClosedTabs[aIndex].image = data[1]; } }, this); } // Firefox 3.5 uses attributes instead of xultab if (aValue.state.attributes && aValue.state.attributes.image) { mClosedTabs[aIndex].image = aValue.state.attributes.image; } // Trying to display a favicon for an https with an invalid certificate will throw up an exception box, so don't do that // Firefox's about:sessionrestore also fails with authentication requests, but Session Manager seems okay with that so just // use the work around for https. if (/^https:/.test(mClosedTabs[aIndex].image)) { mClosedTabs[aIndex].image = "moz-anno:favicon:" + mClosedTabs[aIndex].image; } }, this); mClosedTabs.forEach(function(aTab, aIx) { var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic sessionmanager-closedtab-item"); menuitem.setAttribute("image", aTab.image); menuitem.setAttribute("label", aTab.title); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aTab.title); menuitem.setAttribute("index", "tab" + aIx); menuitem.setAttribute("statustext", aTab.url); menuitem.addEventListener("DOMMenuItemActive", function(event) { document.getElementById("statusbar-display").setAttribute("label",aTab.url); }, false); menuitem.addEventListener("DOMMenuItemInactive", function(event) { document.getElementById("statusbar-display").setAttribute("label",''); }, false); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", 'undoCloseTab(' + aIx + ');'); menuitem.setAttribute("crop", "center"); // Removing closed tabs does not work in SeaMonkey so don't give option to do so. if (this.mApplication.name.toUpperCase() != "SEAMONKEY") { menuitem.setAttribute("onclick", 'gSessionManager.clickClosedUndoMenuItem(event);'); menuitem.setAttribute("contextmenu", "sessionmanager-undo-ContextMenu"); } aPopup.insertBefore(menuitem, listEnd); }, this); separator.nextSibling.hidden = (mClosedTabs.length == 0); separator.hidden = separator.nextSibling.hidden || label.hidden; var showPopup = closedWindows.length + mClosedTabs.length > 0; if (aStandAlone) { if (!showPopup) { this.updateToolbarButton(false); setTimeout(function(aPopup) { aPopup.parentNode.open = false; }, 0, aPopup); } else { // Bug copies tooltiptext to children so specifically set tooltiptext for all children this.fixBug374288(aPopup.parentNode); } } return showPopup; }, undoCloseWindow: function(aIx, aMode) { var closedWindows = this.getClosedWindows(); if (closedWindows[aIx || 0]) { var state = closedWindows.splice(aIx || 0, 1)[0].state; // gSingleWindowMode is set if Tab Mix Plus's single window mode is active if (typeof(gSingleWindowMode) != "undefined" && gSingleWindowMode) aMode = "append"; if (aMode == "overwrite") { this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); } // If using SessionStore closed windows list and doing a normal restore, just use SessionStore API if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && (aMode != "append") && (aMode != "overwrite")) { this.mSessionStore.undoCloseWindow(aIx); } else { var okay = this.restoreSession((aMode == "overwrite" || aMode == "append")?window:null, state, aMode != "append"); if (okay) { this.storeClosedWindows(closedWindows, aIx); this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); } } } }, clickClosedUndoMenuItem: function(aEvent) { // if ctrl/command right click, remove item from list if ((aEvent.button == 2) && (aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.metaKey)) { this.removeUndoMenuItem(aEvent.originalTarget); aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); } }, removeUndoMenuItem: function(aTarget) { var aIx = null; var indexAttribute = aTarget.getAttribute("index"); // removing window item if (indexAttribute.indexOf("window") != -1) { // get index aIx = indexAttribute.substring(6); // If Firefox bug 491577 is fixed and using built in closed window list, use SessionStore method. if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && (typeof(this.mSessionStore.forgetClosedWindow) != "undefined")) { this.mSessionStore.forgetClosedWindow(aIx); } else { // remove window from closed window list and tell other open windows var closedWindows = this.getClosedWindows(); closedWindows.splice(aIx, 1); this.storeClosedWindows(closedWindows, aIx); } this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); // update the remaining entries this.updateClosedList(aTarget, aIx, closedWindows.length, "window"); } // removing tab item else if (indexAttribute.indexOf("tab") != -1) { // get index aIx = indexAttribute.substring(3); // If Firefox bug 461634 is fixed use SessionStore method. if (typeof(this.mSessionStore.forgetClosedTab) != "undefined") { this.mSessionStore.forgetClosedTab(window, aIx); } else { // This code is based off of code in Tab Mix Plus var state = { windows: [], _firstTabs: true }; // get closed-tabs from nsSessionStore var closedTabs = this.JSON_decode(this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabData(window)); // purge closed tab at aIndex closedTabs.splice(aIx, 1); state.windows[0] = { _closedTabs : closedTabs }; // replace existing _closedTabs this.mSessionStore.setWindowState(window, this.JSON_encode(state), false); } // the following forces SessionStore to save the state to disk which the above doesn't do for some reason. this.mSessionStore.setWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value","1"); this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value"); // update the remaining entries this.updateClosedList(aTarget, aIx, this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window), "tab"); } }, updateClosedList: function(aMenuItem, aIx, aClosedListLength, aType) { // Get menu popup var popup = aMenuItem.parentNode; // remove item from list popup.removeChild(aMenuItem); // Update toolbar button if no more tabs if (aClosedListLength == 0) { popup.hidePopup(); this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(window, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", aType); } // otherwise adjust indexes else { for (var i=0; i<popup.childNodes.length; i++) { var index = popup.childNodes[i].getAttribute("index"); if (index && index.substring(0,aType.length) == aType) { var indexNo = index.substring(aType.length); if (parseInt(indexNo) > parseInt(aIx)) { popup.childNodes[i].setAttribute("index",aType + (parseInt(indexNo) - 1).toString()); } } } } }, clearUndoList: function() { var max_tabs_undo = this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 10, true); this.setPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 0, true); this.setPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo, true); // Check to see if the value was set correctly. Tab Mix Plus will reset the max_tabs_undo preference // to 10 when changing from 0 to any number. See http://tmp.garyr.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10158 if (this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 10, true) != max_tabs_undo) { this.setPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_tabs_undo, true); } if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { var state = { windows: [ {} ], _closedWindows: [] }; this.mSessionStore.setWindowState(window, this.JSON_encode(state), false); } else { this.clearUndoData("window"); } // the following forces SessionStore to save the state to disk which isn't done for some reason. this.mSessionStore.setWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value","1"); this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value"); this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:windowtabopenclose", null); }, /* ........ Right click menu handlers .............. */ group_popupInit: function(aPopup) { var childMenu = document.popupNode.menupopup || document.popupNode.lastChild; childMenu.hidePopup(); }, group_rename: function() { var filename = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); var parentMenu = document.popupNode.parentNode.parentNode; var group = filename ? ((parentMenu.id != "sessionmanager-toolbar") ? parentMenu.label : "") : document.popupNode.getAttribute("label"); var newgroup = { value: group }; var dummy = {}; this.mPromptService.prompt(window, this._string("rename_group"), null, newgroup, null, dummy); if (newgroup.value == this._string("backup_sessions")) { this.mPromptService.alert((this.mBundle)?window:null, this.mTitle, this._string("rename_fail")); return; } else if (newgroup.value != group) { // changing group for one session or multiple sessions? if (filename) this.group(filename, newgroup.value); else { var sessions = this.getSessions(); sessions.forEach(function(aSession) { if (aSession.group == group) { this.group(aSession.fileName, newgroup.value); } }, this); } } }, group_remove: function() { var group = document.popupNode.getAttribute("label"); if (this.mPromptService.confirm(window, this.mTitle, this._string("delete_confirm_group"))) { var sessions = this.getSessions(); var sessionsToDelete = []; sessions.forEach(function(aSession) { if (aSession.group == group) { sessionsToDelete.push(aSession.fileName); } }, this); if (sessionsToDelete.length) { sessionsToDelete = sessionsToDelete.join("\n"); this.remove(sessionsToDelete); } } }, session_popupInit: function(aPopup) { function get_(a_id) { return aPopup.getElementsByAttribute("_id", a_id)[0] || null; } var current = (document.popupNode.getAttribute("disabled") == "true"); var autosave = document.popupNode.getAttribute("autosave"); var replace = get_("replace"); replace.hidden = (this.getBrowserWindows().length == 1); // Disable saving in privacy mode or loaded auto-save session var inPrivateBrowsing = this.isPrivateBrowserMode(); this.setDisabled(replace, (inPrivateBrowsing | current)); this.setDisabled(get_("replacew"), (inPrivateBrowsing | current)); // Disable almost everything for currently loaded auto-save session this.setDisabled(get_("loadaw"), current); this.setDisabled(get_("loada"), current); this.setDisabled(get_("loadr"), current); // Hide change group choice for backup items get_("changegroup").hidden = (document.popupNode.getAttribute("backup-item") == "true") // Hide option to close or abandon sessions if they aren't loaded get_("closer").hidden = get_("abandon").hidden = !current || (autosave != "session"); get_("closer_window").hidden = get_("abandon_window").hidden = !current || (autosave != "window"); get_("close_separator").hidden = get_("closer").hidden && get_("closer_window").hidden; // Disable setting startup if already startup this.setDisabled(get_("startup"), ((this.mPref_startup == 2) && (document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename") == this.mPref_resume_session))); // If Tab Mix Plus's single window mode is enabled, hide options to load into new windows get_("loada").hidden = (typeof(gSingleWindowMode) != "undefined" && gSingleWindowMode); }, session_close: function(aOneWindow, aAbandon) { if (aOneWindow) { var matchArray = /(\d\) )?(.*) \(\d+\/\d+\)/.exec(document.popupNode.getAttribute("label")) if (matchArray && matchArray[2]) { var abandonBool = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); abandonBool.data = (aAbandon == true); this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(abandonBool, "sessionmanager:close-windowsession", matchArray[2]); } } else { if (aAbandon) this.abandonSession(); else this.closeSession(); } }, session_load: function(aReplace, aOneWindow) { var session = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); var oldOverwrite = this.mPref_overwrite; this.mPref_overwrite = !!aReplace; this.load(session, (aReplace?"overwrite":(aOneWindow?"append":"newwindow"))); this.mPref_overwrite = oldOverwrite; }, session_replace: function(aOneWindow) { var session = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); var parent = document.popupNode.parentNode.parentNode; var group = null; if (parent.id.indexOf("sessionmanager-") == -1) { group = parent.label; } if (aOneWindow) { this.saveWindow(this.getSessionCache(session).name, session, group); } else { this.save(this.getSessionCache(session).name, session, group); } }, session_rename: function() { var session = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); this.rename(session); }, session_remove: function() { var dontPrompt = { value: false }; var session = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); if (this.getPref("no_delete_prompt") || this.mPromptService.confirmEx(window, this.mTitle, this._string("delete_confirm"), this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0 + this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1, null, null, null, this._string("prompt_not_again"), dontPrompt) == 0) { this.remove(session); if (dontPrompt.value) { this.setPref("no_delete_prompt", true); } } }, session_setStartup: function() { var session = document.popupNode.getAttribute("filename"); this.setPref("resume_session", session); this.setPref("startup", 2); }, hidePopup: function() { var popup = document.popupNode.parentNode; while (popup.parentNode.id.indexOf("sessionmanager-") == -1) { popup = popup.parentNode; } if (popup.parentNode.id != "sessionmanager-toolbar" ) popup = popup.parentNode.parentNode; popup.hidePopup(); }, /* ........ User Prompts .............. */ openSessionExplorer: function() { this.openWindow( // "chrome://sessionmanager/content/sessionexplorer.xul", "chrome://sessionmanager/content/places/places.xul", "chrome,titlebar,resizable,dialog=yes", {}, (this.mFullyLoaded)?window:null ); }, prompt: function(aSessionLabel, aAcceptLabel, aValues, aTextLabel, aAcceptExistingLabel) { var params = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/dialogparam;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIDialogParamBlock); aValues = aValues || {}; params.SetNumberStrings(8); params.SetString(1, aSessionLabel); params.SetString(2, aAcceptLabel); params.SetString(3, aValues.name || ""); params.SetString(4, aTextLabel || ""); params.SetString(5, aAcceptExistingLabel || ""); params.SetString(6, aValues.text || ""); params.SetString(7, aValues.count || ""); params.SetInt(1, ((aValues.addCurrentSession)?1:0) | ((aValues.multiSelect)?2:0) | ((aValues.ignorable)?4:0) | ((aValues.autoSaveable)?8:0) | ((aValues.remove)?16:0) | ((aValues.grouping)?32:0) | ((aValues.append_replace)?64:0) | ((aValues.preselect)?128:0) | ((aValues.allowNamedReplace)?256:0)); this.openWindow("chrome://sessionmanager/content/session_prompt.xul", "chrome,titlebar,centerscreen,modal,resizable,dialog=yes", params, (this.mFullyLoaded)?window:null); aValues.name = params.GetString(3); aValues.text = params.GetString(6); aValues.group = params.GetString(7); aValues.ignore = (params.GetInt(1) & 4)?1:0; aValues.autoSave = (params.GetInt(1) & 8)?1:0; aValues.choseTabs = (params.GetInt(1) & 16)?1:0; aValues.append = (params.GetInt(1) & 32)?1:0; aValues.append_window = (params.GetInt(1) & 64)?1:0; aValues.autoSaveTime = params.GetInt(2) | null; return params.GetInt(0); }, // the aOverride variable in an optional callback procedure that will be used to get the session list instead // of the default getSessions() function. The function must return an array of sessions where a session is an // object containing: // name - This is what is displayed in the session select window // fileName - This is what is returned when the object is selected // windows - Window count (optional - if omited won't display either window or tab count) // tabs - Tab count (optional - if omited won't display either window or tab count) // autosave - Will cause item to be bold (optional) // group - Group that session is associated with (optional) // // If the session list is not formatted correctly a message will be displayed in the Error console // and the session select window will not be displayed. // selectSession: function(aSessionLabel, aAcceptLabel, aValues, aOverride) { var values = aValues || {}; if (aOverride) this.getSessionsOverride = aOverride; if (this.prompt(aSessionLabel, aAcceptLabel, values)) { this.getSessionsOverride = null; return values.name; } this.getSessionsOverride = null; return null; }, ioError: function(aException) { if (aException) this.logError(aException); this.mPromptService.alert((this.mBundle)?window:null, this.mTitle, (this.mBundle)?this.mBundle.getFormattedString("io_error", [(aException)?aException.message:this._string("unknown_error")]):aException); }, sessionError: function(aException) { if (aException) this.logError(aException); this.mPromptService.alert((this.mBundle)?window:null, this.mTitle, (this.mBundle)?this.mBundle.getFormattedString("session_error", [(aException)?aException.message:this._string("unknown_error")]):aException); }, openWindow: function(aChromeURL, aFeatures, aArgument, aParent) { if (!aArgument || typeof aArgument == "string") { var argString = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); argString.data = aArgument || ""; aArgument = argString; } return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowWatcher).openWindow(aParent || null, aChromeURL, "_blank", aFeatures, aArgument); }, clearUndoListPrompt: function() { var dontPrompt = { value: false }; if (this.getPref("no_clear_list_prompt") || this.mPromptService.confirmEx(null, this.mTitle, this._string("clear_list_prompt"), this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_YES * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0 + this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_NO * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1, null, null, null, this._string("prompt_not_again"), dontPrompt) == 0) { this.clearUndoList(); if (dontPrompt.value) { this.setPref("no_clear_list_prompt", true); } } }, /* ........ File Handling .............. */ convertToSQL: function() { // Open SQL file and connect to it var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties) .get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile); file.append("sessionmanager.sqlite"); this.delFile(file, true); // delete this after testing var date = new Date(); var begin = date.getTime(); var storageService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.mozIStorageService); var mDBConn = storageService.openDatabase(file); mDBConn.createTable("sessions", "filename TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, groupname TEXT, timestamp INTEGER," + "autosave TEXT, windows INTEGER, tabs INTEGER, backup INTEGER, state BLOB"); mDBConn.createTable("closed_windows", "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, state BLOB"); var sessions = this.getSessions(); var everythingOkay = true; mDBConn.beginTransaction(); sessions.forEach(function(aSession) { if (everythingOkay) { var file = this.getSessionDir(aSession.fileName); var state = this.readSessionFile(file); if (state) { if (this.mSessionRegExp.test(state)) { state = state.split("\n") } } if (state[4]) { // Just replace whatever's there since the filename is unique var statement = mDBConn.createStatement( "INSERT INTO sessions (filename, name, groupname, timestamp, autosave, windows, tabs, backup, state) " + "VALUES ( :filename, :name, :groupname, :timestamp, :autosave, :windows, :tabs, :backup, :state )" ); // need to wrap in older versions of Firefox if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(this.mPlatformVersion,"1.9.1a1pre") < 0) { var wrapper = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storage/statement-wrapper;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.mozIStorageStatementWrapper); wrapper.initialize(statement); statement = wrapper; } statement.params.filename = aSession.fileName; statement.params.name = aSession.name; statement.params.groupname = aSession.group; statement.params.timestamp = aSession.timestamp; statement.params.autosave = aSession.autosave; statement.params.windows = aSession.windows; statement.params.tabs = aSession.tabs; statement.params.backup = aSession.backup ? 1 : 0; statement.params.state = state[4]; try { statement.execute(); } catch(ex) { everythingOkay = false; this.log("convertToSQL: " + aSession.fileName + " - " + ex, "ERROR", true); } finally { if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(this.mPlatformVersion,"1.9.1a1pre") < 0) { statement.statement.finalize(); } else { statement.finalize(); } } } } }, this); var closedWindows = this.getClosedWindows_SM(); closedWindows.forEach(function(aWindow) { var statement = mDBConn.createStatement("INSERT INTO closed_windows (name, state) VALUES (:name, :state)"); // need to wrap in older versions of Firefox if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(this.mPlatformVersion,"1.9.1a1pre") < 0) { var wrapper = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storage/statement-wrapper;1"] .createInstance(Components.interfaces.mozIStorageStatementWrapper); statement = wrapper.initialize(statement); } statement.params.name = aWindow.name; statement.params.state = aWindow.state; try { statement.execute(); } catch(ex) { everythingOkay = false; this.log("convertToSQL" + aWindow.name + " - " + ex, "ERROR", true); } finally { if (this.mVersionCompare.compare(this.mPlatformVersion,"1.9.1a1pre") < 0) { statement.statement.finalize(); } else { statement.finalize(); } } }); // if everything's good save everything, otherwise undo it if (everythingOkay) { mDBConn.commitTransaction(); // delete this after testing var date = new Date(); var end = date.getTime(); Components.utils.reportError("Session Manager: Converted to SQL in " + (end - begin) + " ms"); } else { mDBConn.rollbackTransaction(); // delete this after testing Components.utils.reportError("Session Manager: Error converting to SQL"); } mDBConn.close(); }, sanitize: function() { // If Sanitize GUI not used (or not Firefox 3.5 and above) if (this.mSanitizePreference == "privacy.item.extensions-sessionmanager") { // Remove all saved sessions this.getSessionDir().remove(true); } else { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader) .loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/sanitize.js"); var range = Sanitizer.getClearRange(); // if delete all, then do it. if (!range) { // Remove all saved sessions this.getSessionDir().remove(true); } else { // Delete only sessions after startDate var sessions = this.getSessions(); sessions.forEach(function(aSession, aIx) { if (range[0] <= aSession.timestamp*1000) { this.delFile(this.getSessionDir(aSession.fileName)); } }, this); } } }, getProfileFile: function(aFileName) { var file = this.mProfileDirectory.clone(); file.append(aFileName); return file; }, getUserDir: function(aFileName) { var dir = null; var dirname = this.getPref("sessions_dir", ""); try { if (dirname) { var dir = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsILocalFile); dir.initWithPath(dirname); if (dir.isDirectory && dir.isWritable()) { dir.append(aFileName); } else { dir = null; } } } catch (ex) { // handle the case on shutdown since the above will always throw an exception on shutdown if (this._mUserDirectory) dir = this._mUserDirectory.clone(); else dir = null; } finally { return dir; } }, getSessionDir: function(aFileName, aUnique) { // Check for absolute path first, session names can't have \ or / in them so this will work. Relative paths will throw though. if (/[\\\/]/.test(aFileName)) { var file = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsILocalFile); try { file.initWithPath(aFileName); } catch(ex) { this.ioError(ex); file = null; } return file; } else { // allow overriding of location of sessions directory var dir = this.getUserDir("sessions"); // use default is not specified or not a writable directory if (dir == null) { dir = this.getProfileFile("sessions"); } if (!dir.exists()) { try { dir.create(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); return null; } } if (aFileName) { dir.append(aFileName); if (aUnique) { var postfix = 1, ext = ""; if (aFileName.slice(-this.mSessionExt.length) == this.mSessionExt) { aFileName = aFileName.slice(0, -this.mSessionExt.length); ext = this.mSessionExt; } while (dir.exists()) { dir = dir.parent; dir.append(aFileName + "-" + (++postfix) + ext); } } } return dir.QueryInterface(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsILocalFile); } }, // // filter - optional regular expression. If specified, will only return sessions that match that expression // getSessions: function(filter) { var matchArray; var sessions = []; sessions.latestTime = sessions.latestBackUpTime = 0; var filesEnum = this.getSessionDir().directoryEntries.QueryInterface(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISimpleEnumerator); while (filesEnum.hasMoreElements()) { var file = filesEnum.getNext().QueryInterface(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIFile); // don't try to read a directory if (file.isDirectory()) continue; var fileName = file.leafName; var backupItem = (this.mBackupSessionRegEx.test(fileName) || (fileName == this.mAutoSaveSessionName)); var cached = this.getSessionCache(fileName) || null; if (cached && cached.time == file.lastModifiedTime) { try { if (filter && !filter.test(cached.name)) continue; } catch(ex) { this.log ("getSessions: Bad Regular Expression passed to getSessions, ignoring", true); } if (!backupItem && (sessions.latestTime < cached.timestamp)) { sessions.latestTime = cached.timestamp; } else if (backupItem && (sessions.latestBackUpTime < cached.timestamp)) { sessions.latestBackUpTime = cached.timestamp; } sessions.push({ fileName: fileName, name: cached.name, timestamp: cached.timestamp, autosave: cached.autosave, windows: cached.windows, tabs: cached.tabs, backup: backupItem, group: cached.group }); continue; } if (matchArray = this.mSessionRegExp.exec(this.readSessionFile(file, true))) { try { if (filter && !filter.test(matchArray[1])) continue; } catch(ex) { this.log ("getSessions: Bad Regular Expression passed to getSessions, ignoring", true); } var timestamp = parseInt(matchArray[2]) || file.lastModifiedTime; if (!backupItem && (sessions.latestTime < timestamp)) { sessions.latestTime = timestamp; } else if (backupItem && (sessions.latestBackUpTime < timestamp)) { sessions.latestBackUpTime = timestamp; } var group = matchArray[7] ? matchArray[7] : ""; sessions.push({ fileName: fileName, name: matchArray[1], timestamp: timestamp, autosave: matchArray[3], windows: matchArray[4], tabs: matchArray[5], backup: backupItem, group: group }); // cache session data unless browser is shutting down if (!this.mPref__stopping) this.setSessionCache(fileName, { name: matchArray[1], timestamp: timestamp, autosave: matchArray[3], time: file.lastModifiedTime, windows: matchArray[4], tabs: matchArray[5], backup: backupItem, group: group }); } } if (!this.mPref_session_list_order) { this.mPref_session_list_order = this.getPref("session_list_order", 1); } switch (Math.abs(this.mPref_session_list_order)) { case 1: // alphabetically sessions = sessions.sort(function(a, b) { return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()); }); break; case 2: // chronologically sessions = sessions.sort(function(a, b) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; }); break; } return (this.mPref_session_list_order < 0)?sessions.reverse():sessions; }, getClosedWindowsCount: function() { return this.getClosedWindows(true); }, // Get SessionStore's or Session Manager's Closed window List depending on preference. // Return the length if the Length Only parameter is true - only ever true if not using built in closed window list getClosedWindows: function(aLengthOnly) { if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { var closedWindows = this.JSON_decode(this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowData()); if (aLengthOnly) return closedWindows.length; var parts = new Array(closedWindows.length); closedWindows.forEach(function(aWindow, aIx) { parts[aIx] = { name: aWindow.title, state: this.JSON_encode({windows:[aWindow]}) }; }, this); return parts; } else { return this.getClosedWindows_SM(aLengthOnly); } }, getClosedWindows_SM: function(aLengthOnly) { // Use cached data unless file has changed or was deleted var data = null; var file = this.getProfileFile(this.mClosedWindowFile); if (!file.exists()) return (aLengthOnly ? 0 : []); else if (file.lastModifiedTime > this.getClosedWindowCache(false)) { data = this.readFile(this.getProfileFile(this.mClosedWindowFile)); this.setClosedWindowCache(data, file.lastModifiedTime); if (aLengthOnly) return (data ? data.split("\n\n").length : 0); } else { data = this.getClosedWindowCache(true, aLengthOnly); if (aLengthOnly) return data; } return (data)?data.split("\n\n").map(function(aEntry) { var parts = aEntry.split("\n"); return { name: parts.shift(), state: parts.join("\n") }; }):[]; }, // Stored closed windows into Session Store or Session Manager controller list. storeClosedWindows: function(aList, aIx) { if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { // The following works in that the closed window appears to be removed from the list with no side effects var closedWindows = this.JSON_decode(this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowData()); closedWindows.splice(aIx || 0, 1); var state = { windows: [ {} ], _closedWindows: closedWindows }; this.mSessionStore.setWindowState(window, this.JSON_encode(state), false); // the following forces SessionStore to save the state to disk which the above doesn't do for some reason. this.mSessionStore.setWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value","1"); this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value"); } else { this.storeClosedWindows_SM(aList); } }, // Store closed windows into Session Manager controlled list storeClosedWindows_SM: function(aList) { var file = this.getProfileFile(this.mClosedWindowFile); if (aList.length > 0) { var data = aList.map(function(aEntry) { return aEntry.name + "\n" + aEntry.state }).join("\n\n"); try { this.writeFile(file, data); this.setClosedWindowCache(data, file.lastModifiedTime); } catch(ex) { this.ioError(ex); return; } } else { try { this.delFile(file); this.setClosedWindowCache(null, 0); } catch(ex) { this.ioError(ex); return; } } this.updateToolbarButton(aList.length + this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window) > 0); }, appendClosedWindow: function(aState) { var cleanBrowser = (this.mCleanBrowser != null) ? this.mCleanBrowser : Array.every(gBrowser.browsers, this.isCleanBrowser); if (this.mPref_max_closed_undo == 0 || this.isPrivateBrowserMode() || cleanBrowser) { return; } var name = this.mClosedWindowName || content.document.title || ((gBrowser.currentURI.spec != "about:blank")?gBrowser.currentURI.spec:this._string("untitled_window")); var windows = this.getClosedWindows_SM(); // encrypt state if encryption preference set if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { aState = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(aState); if (!aState) return; } aState = aState.replace(/^\n+|\n+$/g, "").replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n"); windows.unshift({ name: name, state: aState }); this.storeClosedWindows_SM(windows.slice(0, this.mPref_max_closed_undo)); }, clearUndoData: function(aType, aSilent, aShuttingDown) { if (aType == "window" || aType == "all") { this.delFile(this.getProfileFile(this.mClosedWindowFile), aSilent); } if (!aShuttingDown) this.updateToolbarButton((aType == "all")?false:undefined); }, shutDown: function() { this.log("Shutdown start", "TRACE"); // Handle sanitizing if sanitize on shutdown without prompting (Firefox 3.5 never prompts) var prompt = this.getPref("privacy.sanitize.promptOnSanitize", null, true); var sanitize = (this.getPref("privacy.sanitize.sanitizeOnShutdown", false, true) && (((prompt == false) && this.getPref("privacy.item.extensions-sessionmanager", false, true)) || ((prompt == null) && this.getPref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.extensions-sessionmanager", false, true)))); if (sanitize) { this.sanitize(); } // otherwise else { // If preference to clear save windows or using SessionStore closed windows, delete our closed window list if (!this.mPref_save_window_list || this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { this.clearUndoData("window", true, true); } // Don't back up if in private browsing mode automatically via privacy preference var nobackup = this.mSMHelper.mAutoPrivacy && (this.mShutDownInPrivateBrowsingMode || this.isPrivateBrowserMode()); // save the currently opened session (if there is one) otherwise backup if auto-private browsing mode not enabled if (!this.closeSession(false) && !nobackup) { this.backupCurrentSession(); } else { this.keepOldBackups(false); } this.delFile(this.getSessionDir(this.mAutoSaveSessionName), true); } this.delPref("_autosave_values"); this.delPref("_encrypt_file"); this.delPref("_recovering"); this.mClosingWindowState = null; this.mCleanBrowser = null; this.mClosedWindowName = null; // Cleanup left over files from Crash Recovery if (this.getPref("extensions.crashrecovery.resume_session_once", false, true)) { this.delFile(this.getProfileFile("crashrecovery.dat"), true); this.delFile(this.getProfileFile("crashrecovery.bak"), true); this.delPref("extensions.crashrecovery.resume_session_once", true); } this.setRunning(false); this.log("Shutdown end", "TRACE"); }, autoSaveCurrentSession: function(aForceSave) { try { if (aForceSave || !this.isPrivateBrowserMode()) { var state = this.getSessionState(this._string("autosave_session"), null, null, null, (this._string_backup_sessions || this._string("backup_sessions"))); if (!state) return; this.writeFile(this.getSessionDir(this.mAutoSaveSessionName), state); } } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } }, backupCurrentSession: function(aEnteringPrivateBrowsingMode) { this.log("backupCurrentSession start", "TRACE"); var backup = this.mPref_backup_session; var temp_backup = (this.mPref_startup > 0) && (this.mPref_resume_session == this.mBackupSessionName); this.log("backupCurrentSession: backup = " + backup + ", temp_backup = " + temp_backup, "DATA"); // Get results from prompt in component if it was displayed and set the value back to the default var results = this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mShutdownPromptResults, -1); this.log("backupCurrentSession: results = " + results, "DATA"); if (results != -1) this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mShutdownPromptResults, -1); // If quit was pressed, skip all the session stuff below if (results == 1) backup = -1; // Don't save if just a blank window, if there's an error parsing data, just save var state = null; if ((backup > 0) || temp_backup) { // If shut down in private browsing mode, use the pre-private sesssion, otherwise get the current one var helper_state = (this.mShutDownInPrivateBrowsingMode || this.isPrivateBrowserMode()) ? this.mSMHelper.mBackupState : null; this.log("backupCurrentSession: helper_state = " + helper_state, "DATA"); try { state = this.getSessionState(this._string_backup_session || this._string("backup_session"), null, this.getNoUndoData(), null, (this._string_backup_sessions || this._string("backup_sessions")), true, null, helper_state); } catch(ex) { this.logError(ex); } try { var aState = this.JSON_decode(state.split("\n")[4]); this.log("backupCurrentSession: Number of Windows #1 = " + aState.windows.length, "DATA"); this.log(state, "STATE"); // if window data has been cleared ("Visited Pages" cleared on shutdown), use mClosingWindowState, if it exists. if (aState.windows.length == 0 && this.mClosingWindowState) { this.log("backupCurrentSession: Using closing Window State", "INFO"); state = this.getSessionState(this._string_backup_session || this._string("backup_session"), null, this.getNoUndoData(), null, (this._string_backup_sessions || this._string("backup_sessions")), true, null, this.mClosingWindowState); this.log(state, "STATE"); aState = this.JSON_decode(state.split("\n")[4]); } this.log("backupCurrentSession: Number of Windows #2 = " + aState.windows.length, "DATA"); if (!((aState.windows.length > 1) || (aState.windows[0]._closedTabs.length > 0) || (aState.windows[0].tabs.length > 1) || (aState.windows[0].tabs[0].entries.length > 1) || ((aState.windows[0].tabs[0].entries.length == 1 && aState.windows[0].tabs[0].entries[0].url != "about:blank")))) { backup = 0; temp_backup = false; } } catch(ex) { this.logError(ex); } } if (backup == 2) { var dontPrompt = { value: false }; if (results == -1) { var saveRestore = !(this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.resume_session_once", false, true) || this.doResumeCurrent() || aEnteringPrivateBrowsingMode); var flags = this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_SAVE * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_0 + this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_DONT_SAVE * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_1 + (saveRestore ? (this.mPromptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * this.mPromptService.BUTTON_POS_2) : 0); results = this.mPromptService.confirmEx(null, this.mTitle, this._string_preserve_session || this._string("preserve_session"), flags, null, null, this._string_save_and_restore || this._string("save_and_restore"), this._string_prompt_not_again || this._string("prompt_not_again"), dontPrompt); } backup = (results == 1)?-1:1; if (results == 2) { if (dontPrompt.value) { this.setPref("resume_session", this.mBackupSessionName); this.setPref("startup", 2); } else this.setPref("restore_temporary", true); } if (dontPrompt.value) { this.setPref("backup_session", (backup == -1)?0:1); } } if (backup > 0 || temp_backup) { this.keepOldBackups(backup > 0); // encrypt state if encryption preference set if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { state = state.split("\n") state[4] = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(state[4]); if (!state[4]) return; state = state.join("\n"); } try { this.writeFile(this.getSessionDir(this.mBackupSessionName), state); if (temp_backup && (backup <= 0)) this.setPref("backup_temporary", true); } catch (ex) { this.ioError(ex); } } else this.keepOldBackups(false); this.log("backupCurrentSession end", "TRACE"); }, keepOldBackups: function(backingUp) { if (!backingUp) this.mPref_max_backup_keep = this.mPref_max_backup_keep + 1; var backup = this.getSessionDir(this.mBackupSessionName); if (backup.exists() && this.mPref_max_backup_keep) { var oldBackup = this.getSessionDir(this.mBackupSessionName, true); // preserve date that file was backed up var date = new Date(); date.setTime(backup.lastModifiedTime); var name = this.getFormattedName("", date, this._string_old_backup_session || this._string("old_backup_session")); this.writeFile(oldBackup, this.nameState(this.readSessionFile(backup), name)); this.delFile(backup, true); } if (this.mPref_max_backup_keep != -1) { this.getSessions().filter(function(aSession) { return /^backup-\d+\.session$/.test(aSession.fileName); }).sort(function(a, b) { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; }).slice(this.mPref_max_backup_keep).forEach(function(aSession) { this.delFile(this.getSessionDir(aSession.fileName), true); }, this); } }, readSessionFile: function(aFile,headerOnly) { function getCountString(aCount) { return "\tcount=" + aCount.windows + "/" + aCount.tabs + "\n"; }; var state = this.readFile(aFile,headerOnly); // old crashrecovery file format if ((/\n\[Window1\]\n/.test(state)) && (/^\[SessionManager\]\n(?:name=(.*)\n)?(?:timestamp=(\d+))?/m.test(state))) { // read entire file if only read header var name = RegExp.$1 || this._string("untitled_window"); var timestamp = parseInt(RegExp.$2) || aFile.lastModifiedTime; if (headerOnly) state = this.readFile(aFile); state = state.substring(state.indexOf("[Window1]\n"), state.length); state = this.JSON_encode(this.decodeOldFormat(state, true)); var countString = getCountString(this.getCount(state)); state = "[SessionManager v2]\nname=" + name + "\ntimestamp=" + timestamp + "\nautosave=false" + countString + state; this.writeFile(aFile, state); } // Not latest session format else if ((/^\[SessionManager( v2)?\]\nname=.*\ntimestamp=\d+\n/m.test(state)) && (!this.mSessionRegExp.test(state))) { // This should always match, but is required to get the RegExp values set correctly. // matchArray[0] - Entire 4 line header // matchArray[1] - Top 3 lines (includes name and timestamp) // matchArray[2] - " v2" (if it exists) - if missing file is in old format // matchArray[3] - Autosave string (if it exists) // matchArray[4] - Autosave value (not really used at the moment) // matchArray[5] - Count string (if it exists) // matchArray[6] - Group string and any invalid count string before (if either exists) // matchArray[7] - Invalid count string (if it exists) // matchArray[8] - Group string (if it exists) // matchArray[9] - Screen size string and, if no group string, any invalid count string before (if either exists) // matchArray[10] - Invalid count string (if it exists) // matchArray[11] - Screen size string (if it exists) var matchArray = /(^\[SessionManager( v2)?\]\nname=.*\ntimestamp=\d+\n)(autosave=(false|true|session\/?\d*|window\/?\d*)[\n]?)?(\tcount=[1-9][0-9]*\/[1-9][0-9]*[\n]?)?((\t.*)?(\tgroup=[^\t|^\n|^\r]+[\n]?))?((\t.*)?(\tscreensize=\d+x\d+[\n]?))?/m.exec(state) if (matchArray) { // If two autosave lines, session file is bad so try and fix it (shouldn't happen anymore) var goodSession = !/autosave=(false|true|session\/?\d*|window\/?\d*).*\nautosave=(false|true|session\/?\d*|window\/?\d*)/m.test(state); // read entire file if only read header if (headerOnly) state = this.readFile(aFile); if (goodSession) { var data = state.split("\n")[((matchArray[3]) ? 4 : 3)]; var backup_data = data; // decrypt if encrypted, do not decode if in old format since old format was not encoded data = this.decrypt(data, true, !matchArray[2]); // If old format test JSON data if (!matchArray[2]) { matchArray[1] = matchArray[1].replace(/^\[SessionManager\]/, "[SessionManager v2]"); var test_decode = this.JSON_decode(data, true); // if it failed to decode, try to decrypt again using new format if (test_decode._JSON_decode_failed) { data = this.decrypt(backup_data, true); } } backup_data = null; if (!data) { // master password entered, but still could not be decrypted - either corrupt or saved under different profile if (data == false) { this.moveToCorruptFolder(aFile); } return null; } var countString = (matchArray[5]) ? (matchArray[5]) : getCountString(this.getCount(data)); // remove \n from count string if group or screen size is there if ((matchArray[8] || matchArray[11]) && (countString[countString.length-1] == "\n")) countString = countString.substring(0, countString.length - 1); var autoSaveString = (matchArray[3]) ? (matchArray[3]).split("\n")[0] : "autosave=false"; if (autoSaveString == "autosave=true") autoSaveString = "autosave=session/"; state = matchArray[1] + autoSaveString + countString + (matchArray[8] ? matchArray[8] : "") + (matchArray[11] ? matchArray[11] : "") + this.decryptEncryptByPreference(data); // bad session so rename it so it won't load again - This catches case where window and/or // tab count is zero. Technically we can load when tab count is 0, but that should never // happen so session is probably corrupted anyway so just flag it so. if (/(\d\/0)|(0\/\d)/.test(countString)) { // If one window and no tabs (blank session), delete file otherwise mark it bad if (countString == "\tcount=1/0\n") { this.delFile(aFile, true); return null; } else { this.moveToCorruptFolder(aFile); return null; } } this.writeFile(aFile, state); } // else bad session format, attempt to recover by removing extra line else { var newstate = state.split("\n"); newstate.splice(3,newstate.length - (newstate[newstate.length-1].length ? 5 : 6)); if (RegExp.$6 == "\tcount=0/0") newstate.splice(3,1); state = newstate.join("\n"); this.writeFile(aFile, state); state = this.readSessionFile(aFile,headerOnly); } } } return state; }, readFile: function(aFile,headerOnly) { try { var stream = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream); stream.init(aFile, 0x01, 0, 0); var cvstream = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIConverterInputStream); cvstream.init(stream, "UTF-8", 1024, this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); var content = ""; var data = {}; while (cvstream.readString(4096, data)) { content += data.value; if (headerOnly) break; } cvstream.close(); return content.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); } catch (ex) { } return null; }, writeFile: function(aFile, aData) { if (!aData) return; // this handles case where data could not be encrypted and null was passed to writeFile var stream = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream); stream.init(aFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0600, 0); var cvstream = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-output-stream;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIConverterOutputStream); cvstream.init(stream, "UTF-8", 0, this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); cvstream.writeString(aData.replace(/\n/g, this.mEOL)); cvstream.flush(); cvstream.close(); }, delFile: function(aFile, aSilent) { if (aFile && aFile.exists()) { try { aFile.remove(false); } catch (ex) { if (!aSilent) { this.ioError(ex); } } } }, moveToCorruptFolder: function(aFile, aSilent) { try { if (aFile.exists()) { var dir = this.getSessionDir(); dir.append("Corrupt_Sessions"); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.create(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0700); } aFile.moveTo(dir, null); } } catch (ex) { if (!aSilent) this.ioError(ex); } }, /* ........ Encryption functions .............. */ cryptError: function(aException, notSaved) { var text; if (aException.message) { if (aException.message.indexOf("decryptString") != -1) { if (aException.name != "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE") { text = this._string("decrypt_fail1"); } else { text = this._string("decrypt_fail2"); } } else { text = notSaved ? (this._string_encrypt_fail2 || this._string("encrypt_fail2")) : (this._string_encrypt_fail || this._string("encrypt_fail")); } } else text = aException; this.mPromptService.alert((this.mBundle)?window:null, this.mTitle, text); }, decrypt: function(aData, aNoError, doNotDecode) { // Encrypted data is in BASE64 format so ":" won't be in encrypted data, but is in session data. // The encryptString function cannot handle non-ASCII data so encode it first and decode the results if (aData.indexOf(":") == -1) { try { aData = this.mSecretDecoderRing.decryptString(aData); if (!doNotDecode) aData = decodeURIComponent(aData); } catch (ex) { if (!aNoError) this.cryptError(ex); // encrypted file corrupt, return false so as to not break things checking for aData. if (ex.name != "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE") { return false; } return null; } } return aData; }, // This function will encrypt the data if the encryption preference is set. // It will also decrypt encrypted data if the encryption preference is not set. decryptEncryptByPreference: function(aData) { // Encrypted data is in BASE64 format so ":" won't be in encrypted data, but is in session data. // The encryptString function cannot handle non-ASCII data so encode it first and decode the results var encrypted = (aData.indexOf(":") == -1); try { if (this.mPref_encrypt_sessions && !encrypted) { aData = this.mSecretDecoderRing.encryptString(encodeURIComponent(aData)); } else if (!this.mPref_encrypt_sessions && encrypted) { aData = decodeURIComponent(this.mSecretDecoderRing.decryptString(aData)); } } catch (ex) { if (!encrypted && this.mPref_encrypted_only) { this.cryptError(ex, true); return null; } else this.cryptError(ex); } return aData; }, encryptionChange: function() { try { // force a master password prompt so we don't waste time if user cancels it this.mSecretDecoderRing.encryptString(""); var sessions = this.getSessions(); sessions.forEach(function(aSession) { var file = this.getSessionDir(aSession.fileName); var state = this.readSessionFile(file); if (state) { if (this.mSessionRegExp.test(state)) { state = state.split("\n") state[4] = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(state[4]); state = state.join("\n"); this.writeFile(file, state); } } }, this); if (!this.mUseSSClosedWindowList) { var windows = this.getClosedWindows_SM(); windows.forEach(function(aWindow) { aWindow.state = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(aWindow.state); }, this); this.storeClosedWindows_SM(windows); } } // failed to encrypt/decrypt so revert setting catch (ex) { this.setPref("encrypt_sessions",!this.mPref_encrypt_sessions); this.cryptError(this._string("change_encryption_fail")); } }, /* ........ Conversion functions .............. */ decodeOldFormat: function(aIniString, moveClosedTabs) { var rootObject = {}; var obj = rootObject; var lines = aIniString.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { try { if (lines[i].charAt(0) == "[") { obj = this.ini_getObjForHeader(rootObject, lines[i]); } else if (lines[i] && lines[i].charAt(0) != ";") { this.ini_setValueForLine(obj, lines[i]); } } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Error at line " + (i + 1) + ": " + ex.description); } } // move the closed tabs to the right spot if (moveClosedTabs == true) { try { rootObject.windows.forEach(function(aValue, aIndex) { if (aValue.tabs && aValue.tabs[0]._closedTabs) { aValue["_closedTabs"] = aValue.tabs[0]._closedTabs; delete aValue.tabs[0]._closedTabs; } }, this); } catch (ex) {} } return rootObject; }, ini_getObjForHeader: function(aObj, aLine) { var names = aLine.split("]")[0].substr(1).split("."); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (!names[i]) { throw new Error("Invalid header: [" + names.join(".") + "]!"); } if (/(\d+)$/.test(names[i])) { names[i] = names[i].slice(0, -RegExp.$1.length); var ix = parseInt(RegExp.$1) - 1; names[i] = this.ini_fixName(names[i]); aObj = aObj[names[i]] = aObj[names[i]] || []; aObj = aObj[ix] = aObj[ix] || {}; } else { names[i] = this.ini_fixName(names[i]); aObj = aObj[names[i]] = aObj[names[i]] || {}; } } return aObj; }, ini_setValueForLine: function(aObj, aLine) { var ix = aLine.indexOf("="); if (ix < 1) { throw new Error("Invalid entry: " + aLine + "!"); } var value = aLine.substr(ix + 1); if (value == "true" || value == "false") { value = (value == "true"); } else if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) { value = parseInt(value); } else if (value.indexOf("%") > -1) { value = decodeURI(value.replace(/%3B/gi, ";")); } var name = this.ini_fixName(aLine.substr(0, ix)); if (name == "xultab") { //this.ini_parseCloseTabList(aObj, value); } else { aObj[name] = value; } }, // This results in some kind of closed tab data being restored, but it is incomplete // as all closed tabs show up as "undefined" and they don't restore. If someone // can fix this feel free, but since it is basically only used once I'm not going to bother. ini_parseCloseTabList: function(aObj, aCloseTabData) { var ClosedTabObject = {}; var ix = aCloseTabData.indexOf("="); if (ix < 1) { throw new Error("Invalid entry: " + aCloseTabData + "!"); } var serializedTabs = aCloseTabData.substr(ix + 1); serializedTabs = decodeURI(serializedTabs.replace(/%3B/gi, ";")); var closedTabs = serializedTabs.split("\f\f").map(function(aData) { if (/^(\d+) (.*)\n([\s\S]*)/.test(aData)) { return { name: RegExp.$2, pos: parseInt(RegExp.$1), state: RegExp.$3 }; } return null; }).filter(function(aTab) { return aTab != null; }).slice(0, this.getPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 10, true)); closedTabs.forEach(function(aValue, aIndex) { closedTabs[aIndex] = this.decodeOldFormat(aValue.state, false) closedTabs[aIndex] = closedTabs[aIndex].windows; closedTabs[aIndex] = closedTabs[aIndex][0].tabs; }, this); aObj["_closedTabs"] = []; closedTabs.forEach(function(aValue, aIndex) { aObj["_closedTabs"][aIndex] = this.JSON_decode({ state : this.JSON_encode(aValue[0]) }); }, this); }, ini_fixName: function(aName) { switch (aName) { case "Window": return "windows"; case "Tab": return "tabs"; case "Entry": return "entries"; case "Child": return "children"; case "Cookies": return "cookies"; case "uri": return "url"; default: return aName; } }, /* ........ Preference Access .............. */ // Certain preferences should be force saved in case of a crash checkForForceSave: function(aName, aValue, aUseRootBranch) { var names = [ "_autosave_values" ]; for (var i=0; i<names.length; i++) { if (aName == names[i]) { var currentValue = this.getPref(aName, null, aUseRootBranch); return (currentValue != aValue); } } return false; }, getPref: function(aName, aDefault, aUseRootBranch) { try { var pb = (aUseRootBranch)?this.mPrefRoot:this.mPrefBranch; switch (pb.getPrefType(aName)) { case pb.PREF_STRING: //return pb.getCharPref(aName); // handle unicode values return pb.getComplexValue(aName,this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data case pb.PREF_BOOL: return pb.getBoolPref(aName); case pb.PREF_INT: return pb.getIntPref(aName); } } catch (ex) { } return aDefault; }, setPref: function(aName, aValue, aUseRootBranch) { var forceSave = this.checkForForceSave(aName, aValue, aUseRootBranch); var pb = (aUseRootBranch)?this.mPrefRoot:this.mPrefBranch; switch (typeof aValue) { case "boolean": pb.setBoolPref(aName, aValue); break; case "number": pb.setIntPref(aName, parseInt(aValue)); break; default: //pb.setCharPref(aName, "" + aValue); // Handle unicode preferences var str = this.mComponents.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.data = aValue; pb.setComplexValue(aName,this.mComponents.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str); break; } if (forceSave) this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null,"sessionmanager-preference-save",null); }, delPref: function(aName, aUseRootBranch) { ((aUseRootBranch)?this.mPrefRoot:this.mPrefBranch).deleteBranch(aName); }, /* ........ Miscellaneous Enhancements .............. */ // Check for Running isRunning: function() { return this.mApplication.storage.get("sessionmanager._running", false); }, // Check for Running setRunning: function(aValue) { return this.mApplication.storage.set("sessionmanager._running", aValue); }, // Caching functions getSessionCache: function(aName) { return this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mSessionCache + aName, null); }, setSessionCache: function(aName, aData) { this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mSessionCache + aName, aData); }, getClosedWindowCache: function(aData, aLengthOnly) { if (aData && aLengthOnly) { return this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mClosedWindowsCacheLength, 0); } else if (aData) { return this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mClosedWindowsCacheData, null); } else { return this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mClosedWindowsCacheTimestamp, 0); } }, setClosedWindowCache: function(aData, aTimestamp) { this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mClosedWindowsCacheData, aData); this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mClosedWindowsCacheTimestamp, (aData ? aTimestamp : 0)); this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mClosedWindowsCacheLength, (aData ? aData.split("\n\n").length : 0)); }, // Read Autosave values from preference and store into global variables getAutoSaveValues: function(aValues, aOneWindow) { if (!aValues) aValues = ""; this.log("getAutoSaveValues: aOneWindow = " + aOneWindow + ", aValues = " + aValues.split("\n").join(", "), "EXTRA"); var values = aValues.split("\n"); if (aOneWindow) { var old_window_session_name = this.__window_session_name; this.__window_session_name = values[0]; this.__window_session_group = values[1]; this.__window_session_time = (!values[2] || isNaN(values[2])) ? 0 : values[2]; try { var windowSessions = this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mActiveWindowSessions, {}); // This throws whenever a window is already closed (during shutdown for example) or if the value doesn't exist and we try to delete it if (aValues) { // Store window session into Application storage and set window value windowSessions[values[0].trim().toLowerCase()] = true; this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mActiveWindowSessions, windowSessions); this.mSessionStore.setWindowValue(window, "_sm_window_session_values", aValues); } else { if (old_window_session_name) { // Remove window session from Application storage and delete window value delete windowSessions[old_window_session_name.trim().toLowerCase()]; this.mApplication.storage.set(this.mActiveWindowSessions, windowSessions); } this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "_sm_window_session_values"); // the following forces SessionStore to save the state to disk (bug 510965) // Can't just set _sm_window_session_values to "" and then delete since that will throw an exception this.mSessionStore.setWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value","1"); this.mSessionStore.deleteWindowValue(window, "SM_dummy_value"); } } catch(ex) { // log it so we can tell when things aren't working this.logError(ex); } // start/stop window timer this.checkWinTimer(); gBrowser.updateTitlebar(); } else { this.mPref__autosave_name = values[0]; this.mPref__autosave_group = values[1]; this.mPref__autosave_time = (!values[2] || isNaN(values[2])) ? 0 : values[2]; } }, // Merge autosave variables into a a string mergeAutoSaveValues: function(name, group, time) { var values = [ name, group, time ]; return values.join("\n"); }, // Bug 374288 causes all elements that don't have a specified tooltip or tooltiptext to inherit their // ancestors tooltip/tooltiptext. To work around this set a blank tooltiptext for all descendents of aNode. // fixBug374288: function(aNode) { if (aNode && aNode.childNodes) { for (var i in aNode.childNodes) { var child = aNode.childNodes[i]; if (child && child.getAttribute && !child.getAttribute("tooltiptext")) { child.setAttribute("tooltiptext", ""); } this.fixBug374288(child); } } }, // Called to handle clearing of private data (stored sessions) when the toolbar item is selected // and when the clear now button is pressed in the privacy options pane. If the option to promptOnSanitize // is set, this function ignores the request and let's the Firefox Sanitize function call // gSessionManager.santize when Clear Private Data okay button is pressed and Session Manager's checkbox // is selected. tryToSanitize: function() { // User disabled the prompt before clear option and session manager is checked in the privacy data settings if ( !this.getPref("privacy.sanitize.promptOnSanitize", true, true) && this.getPref("privacy.item.extensions-sessionmanager", false, true) ) { this.sanitize(); return true; } return false; }, recoverSession: function() { var file, temp_restore = null, first_temp_restore = null, temp_restore_index = 1; var recovering = this.getPref("_recovering"); // Use SessionStart's value in FF3 because preference is cleared by the time we are called var sessionstart = (this.mSessionStartup.sessionType != Components.interfaces.nsISessionStartup.NO_SESSION) && !this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mAlreadyShutdown, false); var recoverOnly = this.isRunning() || sessionstart || this.getPref("_no_prompt_for_session", false); this.delPref("_no_prompt_for_session"); this.log("recoverSession: recovering = " + recovering + ", sessionstart = " + sessionstart + ", recoverOnly = " + recoverOnly, "DATA"); if (typeof(this._temp_restore) == "string") { this.log("recoverSession: command line session data = \"" + this._temp_restore + "\"", "DATA"); temp_restore = this._temp_restore.split("\n"); first_temp_restore = temp_restore[1]; } this._temp_restore = null; // handle crash where user chose a specific session if (recovering) { var choseTabs = false; choseTabs = this.getPref("_chose_tabs"); this.delPref("_recovering"); this.delPref("_chose_tabs"); // delete chose tabs preference if set this.load(recovering, "startup", choseTabs); } else if (!recoverOnly && (this.mPref_restore_temporary || first_temp_restore || (this.mPref_startup == 1) || ((this.mPref_startup == 2) && this.mPref_resume_session)) && this.getSessions().length > 0) { // allow prompting for tabs in Firefox 3.5 var values = { ignorable: true, preselect: this.mPref_preselect_previous_session }; // Order preference: // 1. Temporary backup session // 2. Prompt or selected session // 3. Command line session. var session = (this.mPref_restore_temporary)?this.mBackupSessionName:((this.mPref_startup == 1)?this.selectSession(this._string("resume_session"), this._string("resume_session_ok"), values): ((this.mPref_startup == 2)?this.mPref_resume_session:first_temp_restore)); // If no session chosen to restore, use the command line specified session if (!session) session = first_temp_restore; if (session && (session == first_temp_restore)) { this.log("recoverSession: Restoring startup command line session \"" + first_temp_restore + "\"", "DATA"); // Go to next command line item if it exists temp_restore_index++; } this.log("recoverSession: Startup session = " + session, "DATA"); if ((session) && (file = this.getSessionDir(session)) && file.exists()) { this.load(session, "startup", values.choseTabs); } // if user set to resume previous session, don't clear this so that way user can choose whether to backup // current session or not and still have it restore. else if ((this.mPref_startup == 2) && (this.mPref_resume_session != this.mBackupSessionName)) { this.setPref("resume_session",this.mBackupSessionName); this.setPref("startup",0); } if (values.ignore) { this.setPref("resume_session", session || this.mBackupSessionName); this.setPref("startup", (session)?2:0); } // Display Home Page if user selected to do so //if (display home page && this.isCmdLineEmpty()) { // BrowserHome(); //} } // handle browser reload with same session and when opening new windows else if (recoverOnly) { this.checkTimer(); } // Not shutdown Application.storage.set(this.mAlreadyShutdown, false); // Restore command line specified session(s) in a new window if they haven't been restored already if (first_temp_restore) { // For each remaining session in the command line while (temp_restore.length > temp_restore_index) { file = this.getSessionDir(temp_restore[temp_restore_index]); this.log(file.path); if (file && file.exists()) { this.log("recoverSession: Restoring additional command line session " + temp_restore_index + " \"" + temp_restore[temp_restore_index] + "\"", "DATA"); // Only restore into existing window if not startup and first session in command line this.load(temp_restore[temp_restore_index], (((temp_restore_index > 1) || (temp_restore[0] == "0")) ? "newwindow_always" : "overwrite_window")); } temp_restore_index++; } } // If need to encrypt backup file, do it var backupFile = this.getPref("_encrypt_file"); if (backupFile) { this.delPref("_encrypt_file"); var file = this.getSessionDir(backupFile); var state = this.readSessionFile(file); if (state) { if (this.mSessionRegExp.test(state)) { state = state.split("\n") state[4] = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(state[4]); // if could be encrypted or encryption failed but user allows unencrypted sessions if (state[4]) { // if encrypted save it if (state[4].indexOf(":") == -1) { state = state.join("\n"); this.writeFile(file, state); } } // couldn't encrypt and user does not want unencrypted files so delete it else this.delFile(file); } else this.delFile(file); } } }, isCmdLineEmpty: function() { if (this.mApplication.name.toUpperCase() != "SEAMONKEY") { try { // Use the defaultArgs, unless SessionStore was trying to resume or handle a crash. // This handles the case where the browser updated and SessionStore thought it was supposed to display the update page, so make sure we don't overwrite it. var defaultArgs = (this.mSessionStartup.sessionType != Components.interfaces.nsISessionStartup.NO_SESSION) ? Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/clh;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHandler).startPage : Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/clh;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHandler).defaultArgs; if (window.arguments && window.arguments[0] && window.arguments[0] == defaultArgs) { window.arguments[0] = null; } return !window.arguments || !window.arguments[0]; } catch(ex) { this.logError(ex); return false; } } else { var startPage = "about:blank"; if (this.getPref("browser.startup.page", 1, true) == 1) { startPage = this.SeaMonkey_getHomePageGroup(); } return "arguments" in window && window.arguments.length && (window.arguments[0] == startPage); } }, SeaMonkey_getHomePageGroup: function() { var homePage = this.mPrefRoot.getComplexValue("browser.startup.homepage", Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data; var count = this.getPref("browser.startup.homepage.count", 0, true); for (var i = 1; i < count; ++i) { homePage += '\n' + this.getPref("browser.startup.homepage." + i, "", true); } return homePage; }, // Return private browsing mode (PBM) state - If user choose to allow saving in PBM and encryption // is enabled, return false. isPrivateBrowserMode: function() { // Private Browsing Mode is only available in Firefox 3.5 and above if (this.mPrivateBrowsing) { if (this.mPref_enable_saving_in_private_browsing_mode && this.mPref_encrypt_sessions) { return false; } else { return this.mPrivateBrowsing.privateBrowsingEnabled; } } else { return false; } }, isAutoStartPrivateBrowserMode: function() { // Private Browsing Mode is only available in Firefox 3.5 and above if (this.mPrivateBrowsing) { return this.mPrivateBrowsing.autoStarted; } else { return false; } }, updateToolbarButton: function(aEnable) { var button = (document)?document.getElementById("sessionmanager-undo"):null; if (button) { var tabcount = 0; var wincount = 0; try { wincount = this.mUseSSClosedWindowList ? this.mSessionStore.getClosedWindowCount() : this.getClosedWindowsCount(); tabcount = this.mSessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window); } catch (ex) { this.logError(ex); } this.setDisabled(button, (aEnable != undefined)?!aEnable:tabcount == 0 && wincount == 0); } }, showHideToolsMenu: function() { var sessionMenu = document.getElementById("sessionmanager-menu"); if (sessionMenu) sessionMenu.hidden = this.mPref_hide_tools_menu; }, checkTimer: function() { // only act if timer already started if (this._timer && ((this.mPref__autosave_time <= 0) || !this.mPref__autosave_name)) { this._timer.cancel(); this._timer = null; this.log("checkTimer: Session Timer stopped", "INFO"); } else if (!this._timer && (this.mPref__autosave_time > 0) && this.mPref__autosave_name) { this.log("checkTimer: Check if session timer already running and if not start it", "INFO"); var allWindows = this.getBrowserWindows(); var timerRunning = false; for (var i in allWindows) { if (allWindows[i].gSessionManager._timer) { timerRunning = true; break; } } if (!timerRunning) { this._timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer); this._timer.init(gSessionManager, this.mPref__autosave_time * 60000, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE); this.log("checkTimer: Session Timer started for " + this.mPref__autosave_time + " minutes", "INFO"); } } }, checkWinTimer: function() { // only act if timer already started if ((this._win_timer && ((this.__window_session_time <=0) || !this.__window_session_name))) { this._win_timer.cancel(); this._win_timer = null; this.log("checkWinTimer: Window Timer stopped", "INFO"); } else if (!this._win_timer && (this.__window_session_time > 0) && this.__window_session_name) { this._win_timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsITimer); this._win_timer.init(gSessionManager, this.__window_session_time * 60000, Components.interfaces.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE); this.log("checkWinTimer: Window Timer started for " + this.__window_session_time + " minutes", "INFO"); } }, /* ........ Auxiliary Functions .............. */ // Undo closed tab function for SeaMonkey undoCloseTabSM: function(aIndex) { if (gSessionManager.mSessionStore.getClosedTabCount(window) == 0) return; gSessionManager.mSessionStore.undoCloseTab(window, aIndex || 0); // Only need to check for empty close tab list if possibly re-opening last closed tabs if (!aIndex) gSessionManager.updateToolbarButton(); }, getNoUndoData: function(aLoad, aMode) { return aLoad ? { tabs: (!this.mPref_save_closed_tabs || (this.mPref_save_closed_tabs == 1 && (aMode != "startup"))), windows: (!this.mPref_save_closed_windows || (this.mPref_save_closed_windows == 1 && (aMode != "startup"))) } : { tabs: (this.mPref_save_closed_tabs < 2), windows: (this.mPref_save_closed_windows < 2) }; }, // count windows and tabs getCount: function(aState) { var windows = 0, tabs = 0; try { var state = this.JSON_decode(aState); state.windows.forEach(function(aWindow) { windows = windows + 1; tabs = tabs + aWindow.tabs.length; }); } catch (ex) { this.logError(ex); }; return { windows: windows, tabs: tabs }; }, getSessionState: function(aName, aOneWindow, aNoUndoData, aAutoSave, aGroup, aDoNotEncrypt, aAutoSaveTime, aState, aMerge) { // If a state is passed in either use it if aMerge is not set or merge it with the current state if aMerge is set. // The passed in state is used for saving old state when shutting down in private browsing mode and when appending to sessions. if (aState) this.log("getSessionState: " + (aMerge ? "Merging" : "Returning") + " passed in state", "INFO"); try { var state = (!aMerge && aState) ? aState : (aOneWindow)?this.mSessionStore.getWindowState(window):this.mSessionStore.getBrowserState(); if (aMerge && aState) { state = this.JSON_decode(state); aState = this.JSON_decode(aState); state.windows = state.windows.concat(aState.windows); if (state._closedWindows && aState._closedWindows) state._closedWindows = state._closedWindows.concat(aState._closedWindows); state = this.JSON_encode(state); } } catch(ex) { // Log and rethrow errors this.logError(ex); throw(ex); } state = this.modifySessionData(state, aNoUndoData, true); var count = this.getCount(state); // encrypt state if encryption preference set and flag not set if (!aDoNotEncrypt) { state = this.decryptEncryptByPreference(state); if (!state) return null; } return (aName != null)?this.nameState("timestamp=" + Date.now() + "\nautosave=" + ((aAutoSave)?aOneWindow?("window/" + aAutoSaveTime):("session/" + aAutoSaveTime):"false") + "\tcount=" + count.windows + "/" + count.tabs + (aGroup? ("\tgroup=" + aGroup.replace(/\t/g, " ")) : "") + "\tscreensize=" + (this._screen_width || screen.width) + "x" + (this._screen_height || screen.height) + "\n" + state, aName || "") : state; }, restoreSession: function(aWindow, aState, aReplaceTabs, aNoUndoData, aEntireSession, aOneWindow, aStartup, aWindowSessionValues, xDelta, yDelta) { this.log("restoreSession: aWindow = " + aWindow + ", aReplaceTabs = " + aReplaceTabs + ", aNoUndoData = " + (aNoUndoData ? this.mNativeJSON.encode(aNoUndoData) : "undefined") + ", aEntireSession = " + aEntireSession + ", aOneWindow = " + aOneWindow + ", aStartup = " + aStartup + ", aWindowSessionValues = " + (aWindowSessionValues ? ("\"" + aWindowSessionValues.split("\n").join(", ") + "\"") : "undefined") + ", xDelta = " + xDelta + ", yDelta = " + yDelta, "DATA"); // decrypt state if encrypted aState = this.decrypt(aState); if (!aState) return false; if (!aWindow) { aWindow = this.openWindow(this.getPref("browser.chromeURL", null, true), "chrome,all,dialog=no"); aWindow.__SM_restore = function() { this.removeEventListener("load", this.__SM_restore, true); this.gSessionManager.restoreSession(this, aState, aReplaceTabs, aNoUndoData, null, null, null, aWindowSessionValues, xDelta, yDelta); delete this.__SM_restore; }; aWindow.addEventListener("load", aWindow.__SM_restore, true); return true; } aState = this.modifySessionData(aState, aNoUndoData, false, aEntireSession, aStartup, xDelta, yDelta); if (aEntireSession) { this.mSessionStore.setBrowserState(aState); } else { if (aOneWindow) aState = this.makeOneWindow(aState); this.mSessionStore.setWindowState(aWindow, aState, aReplaceTabs || false); } // Store autosave values into window value and also into window variables if (!this.__window_session_name) this.getAutoSaveValues(aWindowSessionValues, true); this.log("restoreSession: restore done, window_name = " + this.__window_session_name, "DATA"); return true; }, nameState: function(aState, aName) { if (!/^\[SessionManager v2\]/m.test(aState)) { return "[SessionManager v2]\nname=" + aName.replace(/\t/g, " ") + "\n" + aState; } return aState.replace(/^(\[SessionManager v2\])(?:\nname=.*)?/m, function($0, $1) { return $1 + "\nname=" + aName.replace(/\t/g, " "); }); }, makeOneWindow: function(aState) { aState = this.JSON_decode(aState); if (aState.windows.length > 1) { // take off first window var firstWindow = aState.windows.shift(); // make sure toolbars are not hidden on the window delete(firstWindow.hidden); // Move tabs to first window aState.windows.forEach(function(aWindow) { while (aWindow.tabs.length > 0) { this.tabs.push(aWindow.tabs.shift()); } }, firstWindow); // Remove all but first window aState.windows = []; aState.windows[0] = firstWindow; } return this.JSON_encode(aState); }, modifySessionData: function(aState, aNoUndoData, aSaving, aReplacingWindow, aStartup, xDelta, yDelta) { if (!xDelta) xDelta = 1; if (!yDelta) yDelta = 1; // Don't do anything if not modifying session data if (!(aNoUndoData || aSaving || aReplacingWindow || aStartup || (xDelta != 1) || (yDelta != 1))) { return aState; } aState = this.JSON_decode(aState); // set _firsttabs to true on startup to prevent closed tabs list from clearing when not overwriting tabs. if (aStartup) aState._firstTabs = true; var fixWindow = function(aWindow) { // Strip out cookies if user doesn't want to save them if (aSaving && !this.mPref_save_cookies) delete(aWindow.cookies); // remove closed tabs if (aNoUndoData && aNoUndoData.tabs) aWindow._closedTabs = []; // adjust window position and height if screen dimensions don't match saved screen dimensions aWindow.width = aWindow.width * xDelta; aWindow.height = aWindow.height * yDelta; aWindow.screenX = aWindow.screenX * xDelta; aWindow.screenY = aWindow.screenY * yDelta; }; // process opened windows aState.windows.forEach(fixWindow, this); // process closed windows (for sessions only) if (aState._closedWindows) { if (this.mUseSSClosedWindowList && aNoUndoData && aNoUndoData.windows) { aState._closedWindows = []; } else { aState._closedWindows.forEach(fixWindow, this); } } // if only one window, don't allow toolbars to be hidden if (aReplacingWindow && (aState.windows.length == 1) && aState.windows[0].hidden) { delete (aState.windows[0].hidden); } return this.JSON_encode(aState); }, getFormattedName: function(aTitle, aDate, aFormat) { function cut(aString, aLength) { return aString.replace(new RegExp("^(.{" + (aLength - 3) + "}).{4,}$"), "$1..."); } function toISO8601(aDate, format) { if (format) { return aDate.toLocaleFormat(format); } else { return [aDate.getFullYear(), pad2(aDate.getMonth() + 1), pad2(aDate.getDate())].join("-"); } } function pad2(a) { return (a < 10)?"0" + a:a; } return (aFormat || this.mPref_name_format).split("%%").map(function(aPiece) { return aPiece.replace(/%(\d*)([tdm])(\"(.*)\")?/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { $0 = ($2 == "t")?aTitle:($2 == "d")?toISO8601(aDate, $4):pad2(aDate.getHours()) + ":" + pad2(aDate.getMinutes()); return ($1)?cut($0, Math.max(parseInt($1), 3)):$0; }); }).join("%"); }, makeFileName: function(aString) { aString = aString.replace(/\t/g, " "); return aString.replace(/[^\w ',;!()@&*+=~\x80-\xFE-]/g, "_").substr(0, 64) + this.mSessionExt; }, // Look for open window sessions getWindowSessions: function() { return this.mApplication.storage.get(this.mActiveWindowSessions, {}); }, getBrowserWindows: function() { var windowsEnum = this.mWindowMediator.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); var windows = []; while (windowsEnum.hasMoreElements()) { windows.push(windowsEnum.getNext()); } return windows; }, updateAutoSaveSessions: function(aOldName, aNewName) { var updateTitlebar = false; // auto-save session if (this.mPref__autosave_name == aOldName) { this.log("updateAutoSaveSessions: autosave change: aOldName = " + aOldName + ", aNewName = " + aNewName, "DATA"); // rename or delete? if (aNewName) { this.setPref("_autosave_values", this.mergeAutoSaveValues(aNewName, this.mPref__autosave_group, this.mPref__autosave_time)); } else { this.setPref("_autosave_values",""); } updateTitlebar = true; } // window sessions this.getBrowserWindows().forEach(function(aWindow) { if (aWindow.gSessionManager && aWindow.gSessionManager.__window_session_name && (aWindow.gSessionManager.__window_session_name == aOldName)) { this.log("updateAutoSaveSessions: window change: aOldName = " + aOldName + ", aNewName = " + aNewName, "DATA"); aWindow.gSessionManager.__window_session_name = aNewName; // delete if (!aNewName) { aWindow.gSessionManager.__window_session_group = null; aWindow.gSessionManager.__window_session_time = 0; } updateTitlebar = true; } }, this); // Update titlebars if (updateTitlebar) this.mObserverService.notifyObservers(null, "sessionmanager:updatetitlebar", null); }, doResumeCurrent: function() { return (this.getPref("browser.startup.page", 1, true) == 3)?true:false; }, isCleanBrowser: function(aBrowser) { return aBrowser.sessionHistory.count < 2 && aBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:blank"; }, setDisabled: function(aObj, aValue) { if (aValue) { aObj.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { aObj.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, getEOL: function() { return /win|os[\/_]?2/i.test(navigator.platform)?"\r\n":/mac/i.test(navigator.platform)?"\r":"\n"; }, _string: function(aName) { return this.mBundle.getString(aName); }, // Decode JSON string to javascript object - use JSON if built-in. JSON_decode: function(aStr, noError) { var jsObject = { windows: [{ tabs: [{ entries:[] }], selected:1, _closedTabs:[] }], _JSON_decode_failed:true }; try { var hasParens = ((aStr[0] == '(') && aStr[aStr.length-1] == ')'); // JSON can't parse when string is wrapped in parenthesis if (hasParens) { aStr = aStr.substring(1, aStr.length - 1); } // Session Manager and older had been saving non-JSON compiant data so try to use evalInSandbox if JSON parse fails try { jsObject = this.mNativeJSON.decode(aStr); } catch (ex) { if (/[\u2028\u2029]/.test(aStr)) { aStr = aStr.replace(/[\u2028\u2029]/g, function($0) {"\\u" + $0.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}); } jsObject = this.mComponents.utils.evalInSandbox("(" + aStr + ")", new this.mComponents.utils.Sandbox("about:blank")); } } catch(ex) { jsObject._JSON_decode_error = ex; if (!noError) this.sessionError(ex); } return jsObject; }, // Encode javascript object to JSON string - use JSON if built-in. JSON_encode: function(aObj) { var jsString = null; try { jsString = this.mNativeJSON.encode(aObj); // Needed until Firefox bug 387859 is fixed or else Firefox won't except JSON strings with \u2028 or \u2029 characters if (/[\u2028\u2029]/.test(jsString)) { jsString = jsString.replace(/[\u2028\u2029]/g, function($0) {"\\u" + $0.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)}); } } catch(ex) { this.sessionError(ex); } return jsString; }, // // Logging functions // Get logger singleton (this will create it if it does not exist) // log: function(aMessage, aLevel, aForce) { if (this.logger()) this.logger().log(aMessage, aLevel, aForce); }, logError: function(aMessage, aForce) { if (this.logger()) this.logger().logError(aMessage, aForce); }, deleteLogFile: function(aForce) { if (this.logger()) this.logger().deleteLogFile(aForce); }, openLogFile: function() { if (this.logger()) this.logger().openLogFile(this._string("file_not_found")); } }; // String.trim is not defined in Firefox 3.0, so define it here if it isn't already defined. if (typeof(String.trim) != "function") { String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }; } // Initialize conditional variables, if no Session Store don't add event listener if (gSessionManager.initialize()) { window.addEventListener("load", gSessionManager.onLoad_proxy, false); }